CIF China: Get Best CIF Shipping Rate from China

JMS offers very competitive CIF shipping rates for the shipping goods from China to other countries by sea and by air. We provide good trucking service, a brokerage in China and enough space from carriers even in the peak season.

In JMS, we required CIF to ensure the shipping goods against the buyer’s risk of loss or damage in transit to the destination and for 110% for their value. We, the JMS can guarantee the safeness of each shipping goods.

JMS provides the best solutions and freight for shipment goods by sea from China to the world based on CIF trade terms.
Beside good air freight from China to the world by air, JMS provide pick up service in any city in China for CIF shipping goods.
Dalian port is the largest multi-purpose port in Northeast China. Gateway trade to the Pacific. If your supplier is anywhere near in Dalian port, JMS will take it to lead to arrive your goods and give you a better shipping rate.
CIF Hong Kong means your supplier will take on the risk or obtain on the goods until the destination port. JMS will take your goods to the designated port destination.
Thousands of goods are being shipped in Ningbo port every day. Any goods from Ningbp, JMS can give you a very competitive shipping rate, just ask for a better rate now.
If you need a freight forwarder in transporting your goods, you can contact JMS for good shipping rate based on CIF incoterms from Qingdao port to any country.
Tons of parcel ship from Shenzhen port every day. Any goods from Shenzhen, JMS can get very competitive shipping rate, ask for a better rate now.

FCL Shipping from China

JMS offers competitive trucking charge and ocean freight for the shipping goods from any port in China based on CIF trade terms. And we provide enough space from carriers.

LCL Shipping from China

JMS provides stable shipping schedule from any seaport in China to any seaport in the world, besides good CIF shipping rates, we collect lower destination charge.

More Services When Shipping from China

JMS will provide most fuel efficient pickup service China
We provide free warehousing services for any of your goods.
Cargo insurance protects your goods.
Ensure safe packaging and loading of goods in your suppliers factory.
You do not need to provide us any documents, just receive your goods at home

Your Best CIF in China

  • The best sea freight from any seaport in China to the world
  • The best air freight from any airport in China to the world
  • Provide enough trucking service
  • Professional brokerage in China
  • Insurance
  • Free warehouse storage service
  • Professional loading service and reinforce service in the warehouse
  • Consolidate service for the shipping goods from different suppliers
  • Paperwork
  • Provide Certificate of Original
  • Container loading supervision
  • Tracking shipment goods on time
  • 24/7 online support

Top 10 Tips to Use CIF Incoterms When Importing from China

CIF and FOB intercoms are both very popular when importing from China.

There are tons of things you need to care when choosing incoterms.

This guide will provide you with the top 10 things you need to take care when using the CIF trade term.

Keep reading…

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