shipping from China to Brazil

JMS is one of NVOCC forwarders in China and we signed many good contract shipping rates with shipping companies, especially for FCL shipment from China seaport to Brazil port.

Besides competitive shipping rates, we are expert to provide logistics scheme for any kinds of shipping goods to make sure goods safe and reduce logistics cost.

JMS can ship your goods from any city in China ( Shanghai to Brazil, Shenzhen to Brazil, Guangzhou to Brazil, Xiamen to Brazil, Ningbo to Brazil, Qingdao to Brazil etc) to any port of Brazil, contact us to arrange your next shipment.

JMS have rich experiences handle all kinds of shipment goods from China to Brazil by sea and offer very competitive sea freight lower than the market.
JMS provide good service and air freight from any airport in China to Brazil airport.
Besides door to port or port to port, JMS provide professional door to door shipping service for the shipping goods from China to Brazil.

FCL Shipping from China to Brazil

JMS have contract ocean freight with carriers and we have enough space from shipping companies.

LCL Shipping from China to Brazil

Based on good ocean freight for LCL shipment from China to Brazil port,we collect lower destination charge.

Additional services for shipping from China to Brazil

We will pick up your goods in any city in China.
JMS provides free warehousing services for any of your goods
The cargo insurance protects your goods all the way to any city of Brazil
We will handle all paperwork and other details for you.

Your Reliable Freight Forwarder from China to Brazil

  • Provide the best solution for all shipping goods from China to Brazil
  • Good freight from any port in China to Brazil
  • Provide 20-30days free warehouse storage
  • Collect reasonable local charge in loading port in China under FOB trade terms
  • Loading and unloading service
  • Pick up service in any city in China
  • Professional for product classification
  • Professional brokerage and paperwork, especially mix goods from different suppliers

How Long Shipping from China to Brazil by Sea

Port of Loading

Port of Arrive

Transmit Time


Santos 32
Shenzhen Santos



Santos 31
Ningbo Santos



Santos 34
Tianjin Santos



Santos 32
Dalina Santos


  • If you need to ship from China to Brazil by air freight, it needs 5 to 7 days

Shipping From China to Brazil: The Complete Guide

China is arguably the biggest producer of a wide range of products which are exported in different markets around the world.

And Brazil is apparently one of the largest markets for the various Chinese products.

Today, I want to show you how to successfully import from China to Brazil.

I will take you through all the basic things you must know – from finding a freight forwarder, mode of transport, customs regulation procedures, etc.

China Brazil relation

China to Brazil

How to Find a Shipping Forwarder from China to Brazil

Well, if you’re a frequent importer or exporter for that matter, you possibly understand the dynamics of the process.

But as a first timer, it is also ideal to ensure that you understand all the necessary processes as a way of enhancing convenience.

Freight Forwarder

Freight Forwarder – Photo Courtesy: Global Institute of Logistics

Of all the processes, one of the most fundamental is finding the right shipping forwarder.

Incidentally, this process is not as easy as you may think or as it may sound.

What happens is that now that the import/export business is booming, several individuals and agencies offer these services.

So it becomes quite difficult to know the most suitable shipping forwarder to choose for your business.

By the way, the issue isn’t necessarily about finding a shipping forwarder.

Rather, it’s about getting the best forwarder for your shipping needs from China to Brazil.

The significance of this is that it will allow you to prevent possible incidences of fraud or poor services that cause inconveniences.

So let’s get straight to the point and look at some of the vital aspects to consider if you have to find a suitable shipping forwarder.

· General and specific knowledge of the process

Shipping forwarding is one of the most challenging businesses.

You see, it involves quite a number of procedures, events, and documentation which require thorough understanding.

So it is quite obvious that the when looking for a suitable shipping forwarder, understanding of the process should be mandatory.

The moment you find a forwarder who is familiar and comprehends the business perspectives, be confident that you’re in safe hands.

In fact, you will hardly worry of a possibility of any unlikely event occurring before you get your shipment.

Ways of transport

Ways of transport – Photo courtesy: FUELOYAL

A shipping forwarder who understands the process makes it rather easy.

They know all the steps that the practice has to follow as well as the relevant documentation to present accordingly.

Of course, knowledge comes hand in hand with experience.

And so an experienced forwarder would be ideal since they know ways of maneuvering through even during the toughest situations.

And for that reason, always ensure that you assess all the credentials of your preferable freight forwarders.

Eventually, you’ll find that the process is easy, secure and comfortable.

· Handling capacity

Here’s the truth;

If you want to find a suitable freight forwarder for your goods from China to Brazil, you have to evaluate their capability to handle cargo volume.

Now, it always happens that at times when you become a frequent importer, the volume of your consignment might tend to vary.

Inspection before shipping

Inspection before shipping – Photo courtesy: APPLUS+

For instance, there are seasons when you’ll always need to ship a large volume of shipment and those of few shipments.

Definitely, this depends on the peak and off-peak season of your particular business.

And in that regard, it would be ideal to ensure that the particular forwarder you’re looking for can handle during both seasons.

When you find this kind of freight forwarder, you can be sure that you’ll never experience delays, especially during high seasons.

And an ideal way of determining whether the forwarder has a rightful handling capacity is by looking at its workforce.

Also, you can look at its infrastructure as well as an organization which guarantees efficiency and seamless service delivery irrespective of the season.

· Reliability

Now, this is the core element of any substantive business.

By the way, there’s no shortcut to this; any company that offers freight forwarding services must be trustworthy.

Remember this kind of company or agency is responsible for handling your shipment.

And in many cases, such consignments are often worth millions.

So any lose, mishap or delay would cause a significant dent on your business operations.

A reliable freight forwarder is one which ensures all the shipping processes go smoothly and efficiently as necessary.

In most instances, shipping of cargo is time-bound.

It thus implies that the consignment needs to arrive at the respective destination within the set duration.

Of course, you know the repercussions of delay, and probably, you can run into losses that you’d never want to envisage.

So the easiest way of preventing this is by finding a reliable shipping forwarder.

· Suitable network connection

Let me tell you the truth here;

Shipping from China to Brazil is an international affair.

So any agency that you engage in this kind of business needs to have a well-established connection with other partners.

The essence of having a good network with other like-minded partners is to facilitate easy movement and monitoring of the cargo.



Shipping from China to Brazil, for instance, requires an extensive network to enable the forwarder to attain efficiency and convenience.

It is that sought of connection which makes it easy assistance to come through in unlikely event that there’s a mishap.

And by the way, it would also be suitable if this connection is both locally and internationally.

The reason for this is that such connections make it easy for you to benefit from both ends if the need for the same arises.

· Compliance

Well, it is ordinarily difficult to find an unregistered freight forwarder that operates this kind of business.

And in any case, you find one, consider them as pure frauds who only want to dupe you in one way or the other.

The meaning of this is that any registered company for freight forwarding business stands a chance of offering legit service.

And for that reason, it makes it possible for you to engage them in such operations since you’re certain they are traceable.

But that notwithstanding, the most important aspect is whether or not such a cargo forwarder complies with the industry’s policies.

When choosing an ideal freight forwarder, ensure that you go for one that adheres to the standard operating procedures for this industry.

· Tracking capability

Let’s get this clear;

Any freight forwarder that lacks sophisticated tracking method of your consignment, whether in storage or on transit isn’t worth your time.

In fact, in this technologically advanced era, you should rubbish any forwarder telling you not to worry since everything will be alright.

Cargo tracking

Cargo tracking – Photo courtesy: ACCELYA

Any serious shipping forwarder understands the essence of tracking their customers’ cargo’s at every stage until they receive them.

And by the way, some of the agencies will also incorporate you in the process.

In this regard, you’ll also be able to track your consignment from your end until you receive it.

So that’s the type of forwarding agent that you need in this day and age.

· Customer care services

And finally, when you’re looking for a suitable forwarding agency, in many cases their approach to various issues also speaks a lot.

In this case, what I mean is that an ideal company is one that offers excellent customer care services.

Customer care

Customer care

This is in the sense that you don’t have to keep on calling them from time to time to establish the status of your consignment.

The overall approach of how they handle your complaints, concerns, needs, suggestions, and inquiries should be a benchmark.

In other words, what I’m trying to say here is that an ideal forwarder for your cargo should be responsive and flexible.

Again, the organization should also be in a position to establish and enhance supply chain partnership with you beyond the ordinary business.

Now all these are among the key elements that you need to look into as a way of finding the best freight forwarder from China to Brazil.

Remember transporting the consignment for such a long distance is not a mean fete.

And for that matter, the forwarder must portray excellent knowledge, experience, reliability, and commitment.

So now let’s shift focus and look at the other important aspect of shipping from China to Brazil.

And this aspect is prohibited goods to ship to Brazil.

Prohibited and Restricted Imports in Brazil

Well, Brazil is one of the strict countries that assess all types of goods and products that get into the country.

Several reasons contribute to prohibition and restriction of imports in Brazil.

In Brazil, some of these reasons could revolve around cultural beliefs, health concerns as well as strategic economic measures.

Restricted imports

Restricted imports

So it is very imperative to ensure that as an importer you understand all the items facing import prohibition in Brazil.

I know that frequent importers understand this element quite appropriately.

The reason is that failure to adhere to such policies could lead to serious repercussions.

But if you’re a relatively new importer, you shouldn’t worry.

In this section, I want to discuss most of the prohibited products to import in Brazil.

This is vital because it will enable you to get an idea of what you shouldn’t import.

And this, in the long run, will make it possible for you to stay safe and away from issues with the respective authorities.

And talking of authorities, Brazil has quite a number of entities that discharge different duties in the importation process.

Evidently, the specific entity is dependent on the goods you import.

At the same time, the same entities are in charge of forbidding the importation of particular products they deem contravening the rules.

The types of products prohibited and restricted for import to Brazil include the following;

i. Cigarettes and alcoholic goods

As an importer in Brazil, you ought to know that the Brazilian government restricts importation of any cigarette and alcoholic-related products.

Cigarettes randomly piled in a large heap


The fundamental reason, in this case, is because Brazil itself has several companies that manufacture such products.

And so in a bid of promoting manufacturing in the country, the government restricts importation of such items.

ii. Narcotics and illegal drugs

The prohibition of narcotics and illicit drugs in Brazil is in line with the cultural beliefs and values of the country.

These are the types of products that may form of substance whether natural or not may cause physical and psychological changes upon ingestion.



Incidentally, the import agencies are extremely strict with these types of products.

And should any be found then the importer face charges and the sentence and or fine can as well be extremely hefty.

iii. Counterfeit products

These refer to the types of goods that are either fake, imitation or forged.

They are restricted from importation because they limit the growth of the economy.

Importation of counterfeit goods also hampers the growth of the local industries which adversely affect revenue collection.

Sub standard goods

S ubstandard goods

Besides, the Brazilian authorities also consider importation of counterfeit goods as a violation of international intellectual property regulations.

iv. Hazardous waste

This is seemingly apparent in fact in many countries other than Brazil.

These types of substances often cause a high health risk to the residents of the country.

Also, waste products also damage the environment, animal and plant health.

So it shows why it’s quite obvious for the Brazilian authorities to prohibit the importation of hazardous waste products into the country.

And such products are among those that do not meet the specifications of the Basel Convention and have unsafe characteristics.

v. Rough diamonds

Well, importation of rough diamonds in Brazil is only acceptable on one condition.

The condition for the same is that such products must participate in the Kimberley process.

Rough diamond

Rough diamond

So in this case, it shows that in as much as the country itself accepts the importation of rough diamonds, there’s a restriction for the source.

vi. Used Goods

There’s also a restriction on the importation of used goods from outside countries to Brazil.

What happens is that the Brazilian authorities only allow used products on condition that there’s no equivalent of the same produced in the country.

Besides, used goods are also acceptable on condition that they get into the country as donations to the Brazilian public or private entity.

Used laptops

Used laptops

In other words, such products are only acceptable in Brazil only if they have to meet institutional purposes without commercial implications.

vii. Pornographic materials

The Brazilian import authorities also bar the importation of any form of pornographic and related materials.

It doesn’t matter whether they come in the digital form or otherwise.

This is in view of the cultural values which such materials tend to violate.

And thus for the interest of advancing ideal societal values, there’s a need for the government to prohibit the importation of such products.

What’s more is that any product which resembles the shape of cigarette or similar tobacco products are also barred from importation in Brazil.

Again, all goods which present irregular documentation or those that their importation revolved around illegal authorizations are also prohibited.

This is to mean that for any imported product to get into the Brazilian land; it has to attain legal approval from consenting agencies.

I know you probably may not want to hear this but let me just put it down as it is;

In any event that a prohibited product lands in Brazil, two likely penalties may apply;

Either the goods are returned immediately to the country of origin or destroyed in Brazil.

And the second penalty is that such products will be confiscated by the Brazilian customs.

A follow up for the importer will also take place, and they will be charged or fined accordingly.

At least now you have an idea of some of the common goods and products which are prohibited from importation to Brazil.

Therefore, next time you want to import goods, you’ll have to ascertain that you’re importing only the acceptable ones.

So that it helps you to stay safe from the authorities as well as preventing unnecessary inconveniences and cost in the process.

Now let’s move to the next section which is more or less about events surrounding the process of customs clearance in Brazil.

You can also learn more here:

i. Brazil Prohibited and Restricted Imports

ii. Prohibited Imports to Brazil

Customs Clearance Process in Brazil

Let’s get straight to the point here;

Each product or item that arrives in Brazil, be it permanently or momentarily, must go through customs clearance.

The essence of this is to ensure that it satisfies all the importation processes.

Apparently,such procedures aim to confirm the accordance between data you provide and the goods per se.



The other significance of this procedure is for verification of the goods to ensure conformance with the legislation.

Now, what you ought to know as an importer in Brazil is the administrative processes.

In fact, this is what will make all your importation exercises easy, faster and convenient.

In this section nonetheless, we want to look at some of the important aspects regarding customs clearance process in Brazil.

In the regard, you’ll be able to know the import requirements and documentation when importing to Brazil.

You’ll also be able to know ways of calculating import duties and taxes as well as the quality standards to meet when importing to Brazil.

· Brazil Import Requirements and Documentation

Ordinarily, Brazil import customs clearance refers to the procedure of corroborating data accuracy you declare about imported goods.

The entire process is often demanding because it involves quite a lot of requirements and documentation.

And for that reason, you have to make sure that the clearance agency is well-informed and experienced in such matters.

Documents needed during import

Documents needed during import – Photo courtesy: Garments Merchandising

The truth of the matter is that it can be a tiresome process especially if you do not have all the relevant documentation.

Therefore, we want to discuss the requirements and documentation that you need to have when importing goods in Brazil.

So here we go;

1) Import declaration

This is arguably the major document that you require when importing to Brazil.

Incidentally, this is a type of document which you must always present to the customs division receiving your consignment.

It is more or less a comprehensive document which has to contain some details including identification of importer and buyer.

The import declaration also contains the classification, customs value, identification as well as the country of origin of goods.

It’s the responsibility of SISCOMEX to register this particular document in accordance with the kind of declaration and clearance.



Ideally, the information presented on the import declaration document is divided into two sections, which include;

The general section which consists of the information which corresponds to importation.

The second section is the specific details which capture financial, commercial and exchange rate data among others.

Upon the registration of Import Declaration document, then payment of all the taxes about the process is made.

2) Bill of Lading

This is also the other critical document that you have to present during customs clearance when you import goods to Brazil.

It merely refers to the document that carrier or agent issues in a bid of acknowledging receipt your cargo or shipment.

In some instances, it’s abbreviated as BoL or just B/L.

Bill of lading

 Bill of lading

One feature of this particular document is that it has to be transferable.

And in many instances, it serves three principal functions which include the following;

  • A conclusive receipt acknowledging the loading of goods
  • It has the evidence showing the terms and conditions as well as the contract between the importer and the carrier.
  • It acts as a document of title to the goods of course subject to the nemodat rule.

Bill of lading also plays an essential role in making sure that you receive your items as an importer.

It also helps in ensuring that the exporter also receives the payment accordingly.

The advancing technology is, however, embracing the creation of an electronic bill of lading and moving away from the traditional bill of lading.

And the electronic bill of lading is primarily the legal and operational equivalent of the paper bill of lading.

Therefore, this document allows for the hastening of the customs clearance in Brazil.

And for that matter, it should never miss at any point since the inconvenience you’ll experience can be massive.

3) Commercial Invoice

This refers to a document that the importer receives which relates to the sale transaction and shows the product, quantities and agreed on cost.

Apparently, this form is used in international commerce and describes all parties involved in the shipping process and transaction.

Commercial Invoice

Commercial invoice

It also describes the nature and value of the goods transported.

The commercial invoice is arguably one of the crucial documents at the customs department in Brazil uses.

And for that reason, there are particular customs requirements that this type of document has to meet.

For instances, the Harmonized System number, as well as the country of the products’ manufacture, must be included.

The commercial invoice is also helpful especially when it comes to calculating tariffs.

The terms of payment are also indicated on a commercial invoice which perhaps specifies the duration the importer has to pay for the goods.

On the same note, it also indicates the actual amount of money that the buyer has paid in receiving the goods.

Incidentally, from the perspective of an importer like in this instance, the commercial sales voice is merely a purchase invoice.

4) Policy of Insurance

This refers to a document which provides a standard form of contract between the insurer and the insured.

This document primarily determines the claims that the insurer needs to pay in case of any prescribed eventualities.

The payment is often in exchange for the initial amount which is commonly known as the premium.

The contracts of many forms of insurance contracts are designed to meet the particular requirements.

Containers fall from the deck of damaged cargo ship MSC Chitra in the Arabian Sea off the Mumbai coast

Shipping container accident

And it’s for that reason that they contain quite a lot of information which aren’t available in most types of contracts.

In general, the policy of insurance is an integrated contract which means that it includes all forms related to an agreement between two parties.

So basically, the essence of the policy of insurance document is to help in compensating the importer in case of loss or any other unfortunate events.

5) Packing List

This refers to a type of shipping document which comes with the delivery of packages.

In most instances, it’s usually within the bundle itself or better still happens in an attached pouch.

Packing list

Packing list

In general, we can describe a packing list as the document which includes all the details regarding the contents of the package.

The essence of such details is often to help the involved parties in handling the package accordingly.

It is also designed to allow the transporting agencies, government authorities as well as the importer to know what the consignment contains.

It is actually the seller that is responsible for creating a packing list and sending it to where to shipment is.

This helps in determining the accuracy when it comes to tallying of the goods.

The customs department often require this document as a way of corroborating that indeed the goods in the consignment match the list.

Also, it helps the customs in facilitating faster clearance of the goods upon arrival.

Of course, there are other types of documents that are often required at the customs clearance desk.

However, these are the major ones who have details that are necessary for clearing the shipment to get into the country.

How to Calculate Import Duties and Taxes in Brazil

The truth of the matter is that you ought to know the cost for importing a consignment to Brazil before even thinking of doing it.

This knowledge is vital since it allows you to understand the price at which you can feasibly resell goods and remain competitive.

In calculating the Brazil import duties and taxes, you have to consider several elements.

For instance, combined price product as well as another importation cost like insurance, customs, insurance, and transport among others.

It is always important to know how to calculate import duties and taxes in Brazil because of many reasons.

One reason is that it allows you to communicate the cost to a rather potential investor way after customs.

It also enables you to determine the price that is relevant to the Brazilian market.

Furthermore, you’ll also be able to know the patterns and cost of Brazilian taxation.

Generally, when calculating the import duties and taxes in Brazil, you’ll have to use a table that tabulates all the costs.

The table contains different elements of the total cost that you incur when importing your shipment.

Some of the costs that this table tabulates include international transport, destination fee, customs clearance, and delivery.

It also includes the import duties which may also include a tax on industrialized products and social integration program.

Also, it includes state tax on the circulation of goods and services (ICMS) and contribution for social security financing.

Some agencies help in calculating the import duties and taxes when you’re importing to Brazil.

Indeed, most of the services that such agencies offer enable you to find an accurate estimate of your imports’ total costs in varying scenarios.

So when making such calculations, you have to perform several simulations as well as amending certain parameters like packaging, transport, etc.

The significance of doing this is to help you in determining the best import strategy according to your particular needs.

Another fundamental issue worth noting is that Brazil has different states with varying tax rates.

So an ideal way of getting the best deal is to import directly via a different state rather than your destination state.

What I’m trying to say in this section is that you can seek the services of a credible agency to assist you in calculating the duties and taxes.

Brazil Quality Standards

Well, when it comes to importing of goods from foreign countries to Brazil, there’s one particular condition that must be met.

And this condition indicates explicitly that all such products must meet the specific quality standards before getting into the country.

Remember that there’s a specific body that is tasked with evaluating the quality standards of such items.

By the way, the significance of this activity is to make sure that every product getting into the country is safe and quality.

There’s always high risk often associated with low quality products, especially from foreign countries.

And some of these risks are associated with the well-being of the general public, plants, animals and the environment.

Quality control

Quality control

So any import from China to Brazil has to pass through all the set quality procedures as a measure of ensuring that they meet the required standards.

And in case the product is food-related, it has to be labeled with information about its quality, shelf-life, origin, quantity, composition, and price.

It should also indicate the possible risks to the health and safety of the consumer.

Fast Shipping from China to Brazil

One of the most fundamental aspects that any importer for that matter gives preference is the shipping speed.

You know, most of the time whenever you import a consignment, your interest is always to ensure that it gets to the destination at the right time.

Many at times, unavoidable circumstances tend to arise before, during and after importation.

And such circumstances might cause a delay which is incidentally acceptable if it takes the shortest time possible to resolve.

Typically, there are entirely different modes of shipping consignments from China to Brazil.

And of course, these modes of shipping also vary in speed. So let’s have a look at some of them and how speedy they’re when it comes to transporting goods.

Air Freight Shipping Service from China to Brazil

Air freight is actually the fastest means of shipping cargo from China to Brazil.

It is the means that many importers use especially when shipping goods that are relatively perishable.

Air cargo

Air cargo

Also, it is familiar with shipping of cargo that contains goods which need to be delivered urgently to a particular market.

It usually involves some procedures, but the truth is that the consignment arrives much faster than any other mode of shipping.

Now the advantage of this obviously is the speed and convenience at which you obtain your consignment.

And for that reason, let’s now look at some of the fundamental aspects revolving around air freight shipping from China to Brazil.

Major International Airports in Brazil and China

Of course for air freight shipping to be possible, there have to be airports where the carriers take off and land respectively.

Both Brazil and China have major international airports where different carriers operate from.

And the essence of knowing this is to allow you in cutting down the transport cost by using the airport close to the manufacturer and your destination.

China, in particular, has quite a number of cargo airports that serve both local and international markets.

Some of the major ones include the following;

Airports in China

Airports in China

  • China Shanghai Pudong International Airport
  • Beijing Capital International Airport
  • Hongkong International Airport
  • Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport
  • Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport
  • China Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport

So when importing goods from China to Brazil, you may consider using any of the above depending on the manufacturer’s proximity.

And as I had said earlier, in some occasions, you may choose to transport the cargo to the major airports from other small ones within China.

Also, in some instances, some carriers operate directly from other local airports directly to Brazil depending on the nature of cargo.

So it’s upon you to carry out due diligence on what is expected to carry out such mode of shipping.

Brazil on the other hand also has quite a number of airports that you can use for shipping your consignments.

In fact, Brazil has 28 cargo terminals often known as TECA Network, of which 25 offer cargo import services.

There are also other 13 which operate cargo for the domestic market.

In general, though, the concentration of cargo operations in Brazil is majorly in four terminals which include;

Airports in Brazil

Airports in Brazil

  • Guarulhos
  • Viracopos
  • Manaus
  • Galeão

Nonetheless, there are also other six airports which are often busy with receiving consignments from different countries including China.

Cost of Air Freight from China to Brazil

Let me tell you the truth here;

In Latin America, Brazil is unquestionably the largest Chinese trading partner.

Truthfully, Brazil is fast growing to become the largest international partner in regards to trading activities with China.

And for that reason, it is quite understandable to notice that shipping activities between these two nations are quite substantive.

What you must know nonetheless is that the shipping task from China to Brazil can become simple once you find a reliable forwarder.

Obviously, the common and favorite mode of freight shipping from China to Brazil is air.

It is fast, convenient and efficient that’s why many importers are certainly choosing it as ideal.

And to add onto that, both countries have quite a number of international cargo airports which serve the purpose accordingly.

However, it’s utterly imperative also to understand that cost of air freight from China to Brazil is comparatively expensive.

The cost of air freight nonetheless is dependent on a wide range of factors; including the overall weight of the shipment.

The nature of the cargo also determines the total cost of air freight same to the distance of the particular destination.

Furthermore, the cost is also determined by your preferred choice between express freight (Courier) or merely a regular freight.

Ordinarily, though, many carriers always charge the shipment based on the gross weight whereas others look at the volumetric weight.

Ultimately, it’s the biggest weight value that shall be used for quoting your consignment.

No specific amount of money is tagged on shipping a particular consignment from China to Brazil using air.

The bottom line is that the costs normally vary from time to time depending on a wide range of factors.

However, like I’d told you it would be important to find a suitable forwarder who has contacts of ideal carriers.

This is a sure way of attaining the best air shipping deals especially when you are operating on a relatively tight budget.

Main Airlines from China to Brazil

Well, when it comes to determining the ideal carrier for your air freight needs, the choice is utterly yours.

What happens is that there are quite a lot of airlines which offer freight services from China to Brazil.

So apparently, this makes it quite easy for you to ensure that you get nothing short of the best deal that fits your budget.

But at the same time, you also need to make a wise choice on the basis of airline choice by understanding all the terms and conditions.

What’s more is that in many instances, you’ll find that these airlines normally direct flights from China to a specific destination in Brazil.

And therefore, you need to understand that when looking for one.

China Airline

China Airline

Some of the leading airlines for cargo shipping from China to Brazil include the following;

  • China Airlines
  • Southeast Asia
  • Etihad Airways
  • Fly Emirates
  • Malaysia Airlines
  • Singapore Airlines
  • Qantas Airways
  • American Airlines
  • UPS Airline

As you can see, these are some of the major cargo carriers operating between China and Brazil.

Nonetheless, it’s important to know that in many instances also, you can find other airlines, which apparently also offer better shipping services.

Express Shipping from China to Brazil

Express shipping in this case primarily refers to transporting a particular consignment from China to Brazil directly within the shortest time possible.

In reality, nowadays, many companies offering express shipping services have tailored it to ensure that you receive your cargo at your doorstep.

Some even organize for every step in the entire shipping process including picking it from the manufacturer and customs clearance.

Express shipping

Express shipping

Currently, you can find several agents that offer express shipping from China to Brazil at competitive costs.

Some of the key players that provide these services which you can opt to choose to include the following;

  • China DHL
  • Hong Kong DHL
  • UPS
  • EMS
  • Speed post

These agencies make it possible for you to receive your cargo at the earliest time possible safely and conveniently.

They have modules of tracking your shipment to ensure that it is safe all through the process until you receive it.

Express shipping is advantageous because it enables you to have peace of mind knowing too well every aspect of the process shall be well.

Of course, express shipping also comes at a relatively high cost, which is justified considering all the services that they provide.

It is one of the best modes of shipping your cargo from China to Brazil, which if possible you need to consider.

Container Shipping from China to Brazil

International shipping, particularly for bulk cargo, requires a relatively affordable means.

You see, there are products which you cannot also transport by air.

And also there are some which are quite bulky hence becoming extremely expensive should you choose to ship by air.

Blue opened container with carton boxes inside

Shipping container

And now that the trade partnership between China and Brazil is continuously growing, it means that importers have to use affordable shipping means.

Ordinarily, you would find that ocean freight tends to transport quite a number of containers from Chian to Brazil.

In this section though, let me highlight a few important elements regarding container shipping from China to Brazil.

Sea Freight Services from China to Brazil

China and Brazil are among the countries with the largest networks of seaport services.

Most of the seaport activities are designed to facilitate efficient, quick and convenient movement of shipments.

And the sea freight network between these two countries is well-established to the extent that many business partners prefer using this mode.



Now, it is also fundamental to understand that several aspects revolve around sea freight services from China to Brazil.

So let’s first find out this nitty-gritty before embarking on the main point;

How long it takes to ship a container from China to Brazil

Well, the distance between China and Brazil when you choose to use sea freight is dependent on the route that you take.

But ordinarily, it will take anything between 28-40 days of course also depending on the arrival destination.

In most instances, different sea freighters normally choose to use the shortest route possible unless there are unavoidable circumstances.

But you also need to have it mind that there are a few days that can be wasted at the customs in both countries.

And by this, what I mean is that in some instances, the delay can emanate from various aspects including loading and off-loading.

The customs clearance procedure may also consume some hours especially if there are issues to do with documentation.

Sea Routes from China to Brazil

Incidentally, there are quite a number of sea routes that a particular carrier can choose to take from China to Brazil.

And since sea freight is the preferable means of cargo transport, it means that there is a need for finding the efficient route.

Sea routes to Brazil from China

Sea routes to Brazil from China

One of the major elements which determine the particular sea route from shipping consignments is the port of loading and off-loading.

You see, China has multiple ports, and so is Brazil.

So it becomes easy to figure out the particular route after establishing the port of dispatch and that of arrival.

But the common sea route from China to Brazil is the one from Port of Shanghai to Port of Santos.

It is a route that starts from Port of Shanghai, China to the East China Sea, Hangzhou Bay, Philippines Sea, and the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean.

It then moves to the South Atlantic Ocean and finally gets to Port of Santos in Brazil.

The distance of this route is approximately 13256 nautical miles.

Then when shipping goods from Shahezi port, which is equally a bigger one in China to Santos, Brazil, the route is seemingly longer.

From Shahezi, the ship goes to Amur River, Amur, Tatar Strait, Sea of Japan, East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, Indian Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean and finally port of Santos.

So as you can see, this particular route is somewhat longer given that the port is Far East of China.

The distance between these two ports is approximately 14271 nautical.

From China to Brazil via Sea

From China to Brazil via Sea

Incidentally, though the sea route from China to Brazil is somehow the same irrespective of the port of loading and destination port.

Of course, there will be a little variance especially regarding a number of hours of days taken for the entire trip.

The bottom line, however, is that you’ll use the same route until you get to the specific port in Brazil.

Container shipping cost from China to Brazil

Listen, as a bulk importer, this is unquestionably one of the most important aspects which you need to understand regarding the business.

Most experienced importers understand the various elements revolving around this particular aspect.

By the way, it is imperative because at the end of the day you’re not necessarily importing any item for that matter for the sake of it.

Types of shipping containers

Types of shipping containers

So before we even continue discussing this element, one element which you ought to know is that ocean rate includes a number of charges.

By the time you calculate the cost of shipping a container from China to your respective destination in Brazil, you’ll realize many cost-related revelations.

First thing first, the general cost for ocean freight includes base rate as well as surcharges.

However, there are other none customs clearance and port charges which may occur at both sides of the ports.

You should also factor in the possibility of wide-ranging duty and taxes, as well as other miscellaneous charges.

So basically, what I’m trying to state here is that all international shipments are usually subject to destination charges.

For instance, in this case, the cost for shipping will depend on Brazil’s customs related charges, port/terminal handling fee, and agent services.

To get a better picture of what I’m explaining here, let’s discuss the varying factors determining the shipping cost in detail;

Modes of shipping container from China to Brazil

In general, there are two types of containers that are often used for shipping different goods.

FCL and LCL are these types of containers that you’ll always find in shipping items, internationally.

FCL is an abbreviation for Full Load Container whereas LCL is an abbreviation for Less than Container Load.

What makes a difference between two these types of containers is basically the size, and the quantity one can hold.

So you’ll find that if you go or use a bigger container, the cost will definitely be higher, but it will be worth it if shipping bulk goods.

So the overall quotation you’ll get will also factor in the type of container you choose to use.

Transportation Charges

This is also another element which often comes to play a significant role when shipping a consignment from China to Brazil.

And you can categorize them into two, local transportation and delivery.

Local transportation in this implies to the mode of shipping the freight from the manufacturer to the port of loading.

On the other hand, delivery, in this case, means the mode of transporting the consignment from port of destination to your specific place.

Shipping cost of container

Shipping cost of container

On both occasions, you can choose to use a number of different modes including truck and railway.

Nonetheless, you must factor in such expenses because at the end of the day they become essential in determining shipping cost.

Customs and duty charges

You should also not forget the fact that it’s mandatory to pay all the relevant taxes when shipping a consignment.

In most cases, customs clearance and related charges usually come in both ports.

So that you can find that you pay specific export charges and also import costs when you get to Brazil.

But at the end of the day, they sum up to the overall amount of you pay for shipping cargo to Brazil.

Insurance charges

These charges also play a critical role in the overall determination of the shipping cost.

You have absolutely no reason to fail to purchase an insurance premium when shipping a cargo.

It gives unmatched peace of mind knowing too well that in any case there is a misfortune, compensation is a guarantee.

Nevertheless, you also need to know the specific conditions that your insurer is providing.

The reason is that most of them always tend to complicate issues whenever such incidents arise.

And therefore, ensure you do due diligence regarding the insurer and the policy premium you’re purchasing for the consignment’s shipping.

Shipping companies from China to Brazil

Well, this is another interesting topic that you need to know regarding shipping from China to Brazil.

You see, nowadays, the demand for this business is growing which also implies that there is a need to satisfy the requirement.

So many entities have come up in a bid of making sure that they capture the market and provide the service accordingly.

But now the problem arises when it gets to finding the most suitable one which guarantees cost-effective and better services.



So let’s have a look at a few reputable and reliable shipping companies you can opt for when looking for one;

  • China Ocean Shipping Group Company
  • Orient Overseas Container Line
  • Sinotrans Shipping
  • China Shipping Container Lines
  • Parakou Shipping
  • China Merchants Holding
  • ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.
  • China Division
  • FBA Forward
  • The China Navigation Company

Most definitely, there are quite a number which we cannot necessarily list here just like I’d told you earlier.

But these are among the best tried, tested and proven to be reliable, consistent and dependable shipping companies to use in China.

Nonetheless, you may also want to try the other shipping companies only that you must ensure you conduct due diligence.

It is what shall enable you to understand the background information and other relevant details regarding the choice to make.

Common Incoterms when Shipping from China to Brazil

Now, so far it’d be imperative to acknowledge the fact that every aspect revolving around shipping of containers is guided by specific policies.

Incoterms 2010

Incoterms 2010

And since shipping from China to Brazil is more or less an international affair, it means it derives its policies from the International Chamber of Commerce.

So what necessarily is the meaning of Incoterms?

For those who do not know, it refers to a set of rules and regulations which outline the responsibilities of business people for goods delivery.

Incoterms usually vary from one mode of commercial transaction, contracts, and method of transport.

Here are some of the critical incoterms considerations that you need to adhere to when shipping from China to Brazil;

  • Upon importing a consignment from China, it’s expected that you pay all the necessary and applicable taxes.
  • You have to be clear with who pays the tariffs and when the payment is due. What happens is that buyers will always want to know the actual price inclusive of all shipping and taxes charges.
  • Once you’ve chosen an ideal shipping company, it will always act as a freight forwarder. For that reason, the company will help you in various facilitation processes of the consignment.

That notwithstanding, let’s also look at some of the common incoterms you need to know when shipping from China to Brazil;

  1. CIF- It refers to Cost, Insurance and Freight. It essentially means that the supplier can only deliver goods upon suitable packaging, clearance and safely stowed on board for shipment.
  2. CIP- Carriage and Insurance Paid to refer to the seller delivering goods to a carrier or any other authorized party at an agreed location.
  3. CFR- Cost and Freight means that the seller is solely responsible for pre-paying the contract related to freight.
  4. CPT- Carriage Paid To means when the seller delivers consignments to a particular carrier or nominated person at a location jointly agreed upon by seller and buyer.
  5. DAT- Delivered At Terminal means that the seller delivers the moment the items are off-loaded at the destination terminal.
  6. DAP- Delivered At Place is a term indicating that the seller delivers the goods the moment that gets into pre-agreed destination awaiting unloading.
  7. DDP- Delivery Duty Paid is a term which indicates that the seller delivers the items, cleared at the customs and ready for unloading. The delivery should also be at the agreed destination or particular location.
  8. EXW- It’s also known as EX works which merely means the seller has already delivered suitably packed items to the buyer at the agreed location.
  9. FAS- Free Alongside Ship means that the seller delivers the goods, packaged appropriately, and cleared for export. This is also inclusive of placing them beside the vessel at the agreed upon destination.
  10. FCA- Free carrier means that the seller already accomplishes their obligation to deliver when the goods are handed, packaged accordingly and cleared for export.
  11. FOB- Free on Board- is a term that indicates the seller delivers the goods already packaged and cleared for export.

This happens when the goods are safely loaded on the ship at a particular agreed shipping port.

So these are the significant incoterms for shipping from China to Brazil that you necessarily need to know.

It is also important to understand that the incoterms for shipping always change from time to time.

And for that reason, you need to know and always stay informed with any updates should they arise.

Step-by-step Shipping from Alibaba to Brazil

Well, the truth of the matter is that online shopping is yet to become a formidable force, especially in international business.

Many importers incidentally are still hesitant of doing business overseas.

At the same time, they are wary of having a supply business partner on the other end of the world.

But I have good news for you regarding importing goods from overseas, particularly China to Brazil.

Alibaba is the best platform that provides you with comprehensive directories which connect suppliers with buyers from different parts of the world.

So in this section, I want us to look at the key important step-by-step processes of shipping goods from Alibaba to Brazil.

1. Determine the best suppliers

When selecting the ideal suppliers to ensure that they have the right credentials and always avoid dealing with intermediaries at all cost.

The reason behind this is that suppliers can always give you better deals, unlike the middlemen.

2. Demand for samples

There’s absolutely no way you can purchase goods that you have no idea of how they look.

So it’s important to always insist on getting samples before placing an order.

Of course, there’s a possibility that you’ll incur related costs but it’s better than not getting one.

3. Find more about the suppliers

This platform has all types of people that offer different deals.

So it’s your responsibility to ensure that you interact with your preferable suppliers to understand the nature of their businesses.

4. Inquire about all possible costs including tax, duty, and customs

When importing any item from China, you’ll always be required to pay for the customs clearance, failure to which your goods will be rendered illegal.

For that reason, always ensure that you have all the relevant import documents to facilitate efficient shipping of your goods.

5. Make the payment

Now at this point, it implies that you’ve already accepted all the terms and conditions and now you’re ready to await your shipment.

So Alibaba offers a wide range of payment options that you can use regardless of your location.

Of course, the essence, in this case, is to enhance convenience.

So you can never worry about the mode of payment to use since they are quite a variety and you’ll definitely find one that suits you.

6. Wait for your goods

So after you’ve made the payment, the shipping process begins.

The mode of shipping, however, depends on the type of goods that you’re ordering.

And it thus means that this also applies to the mode of shipping the particular consignment.

But at this point, all you need to do is wait for the shipment to arrive at your particular destination within the respective time frame.

Ways of Shipping Imports from China to Brazil

In many occasions, importers are always torn on the most suitable ways to use when shipping their goods to Brazil from China.

Fortunately, there are quite a number of ways that you can use to ship different types of imports from China to Brazil.

Container loading

Shipping container loading

And the common ones include the following;

a) LCL shipping service from China to Brazil

This mode of shipping refers to merging of different consignments which in turn allows containers to be fully utilized.

The essence of LCL shipping is merely to cut cost and also to reduce on the transit time.

LCL means less than Container Loading, which shows why it makes sense to consolidate all the small cargo’s in one container.

b) FCL shipping service from China to Brazil

This refers to Full Container Load which merely means that you have the whole space in the container for yourself.

So you’ll therefore not need to share your container with any other shipper for that matter.

And in this case, you’re at liberty to fully or partially fill the container before shipping it.

c) The door to door shipping from China to Brazil

The door to door shipping is also the other common mode of shipping imports from China to Brazil that is getting quite a momentum.

In most cases, you’ll find that there are specific companies that offer these services upon liaising with the freight forwarders.

It is arguably one of the best ways of shipping imports since you’ll have the minimal role possible in getting your shipment.

d) OOG shipping from China to Brazil

OOG refers to Out of Gauge containers, which merely mean loads that have dimensions which exceed those of ordinary container.

It is quite expensive given that the load has to occupy space which another or other containers would easily fit.

So this is the ideal way for importing products that are somewhat over-sized to Brazil from China.

The good thing is that it enables you to get the goods without any damage for that matter.

e) Drop Shipping from China to Brazil

This is one of the best ways that many importers use to ship products from China to Brazil effortlessly.

This method does not require the retailer to keep goods in stock.

However, the retailer transfers all the orders of the clients as well as the details for the shipment to the manufacturer, wholesaler or another retailer.

So it’s these third parties that will then ship the particular product to the customer directly.

f) Reefer Shipping from China to Brazil

This refers to a mode of shipping refrigerated shipments specially designed for transporting perishable commodities.

You see, some importers import food stuff that are somewhat highly perishable.

So transporting such items require an integrated temperature control system.

Therefore, you can use reefer ships to transport a wide range of refrigerated goods from China to Brazil.

And talking of the ways of shipping, it is also imperative to find an ideal freight forwarder that can assist you in the entire process.

Well, for that reason, let’s now look at one of the best freight forwarders to choose for any shipping services from China to Brazil.

JMS Freight Forwarder – A Trusted Partner in Shipping from China to Brazil

Now as we are coming to the end of this guide.

And hopefully, you’ve noticed and learned quite a lot of information necessary for shipping and importing of goods from China to Brazil.



However, it would be really unfair if I fail to inform you of the most suitable freight forwarder to consider for such services.

You see, importing and shipping of goods is never an easy task.

And as you can see from this guide, it requires knowledge, comprehension, expertise and most importantly networks.

So for you to get the best freight forwarding services, the ideal freight forwarder to consider for the task in China is JMS.

This company is well established, reputable and dependable in all your freight forwarding needs.

It is an entity which provides better rates all the time of year, swiftness, convenience, customs, product classification, and paperwork.

JMS also provides pick up service, handles various types of shipments and has a capable workforce that drives its operations.

In a nutshell, what I’m saying is that this is the most suitable freight forwarding company which you need to consider.


The truth now is that it’s apparent you have the idea of what it takes to ship goods from China to Brazil.

You also understand all the vital aspects that revolve around the entire process.

So the essence of this guide as I did mention earlier was to allow you to know the different elements.

And this would unquestionably enable you to make informed choices.

And most importantly is that you now have an idea of a reliable and reputable freight forwarding company to look forward to.

But in any case, you have questions, feel free to contact us.

We will surely provide the necessary support.

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