Shipping from China to Cambodia

JMS handle many shipment goods by sea and by air from China to Cambodia every week. We provide shipping service from China to Cambodia directly and Via Vietnam under trade terms of EXW,FOB,CIF and DDP. JMS provide the best shipping solutions and offer very competitive freight. JMS handle the shipment goods even you have no import licenses in Cambodia.

JMS is your trusted partner and freight forwarder to support you with all your shipping needs. Inquire now about our services and better shipping rates for your next shipment from China to Cambodia.

Besides dry container by FCL and LCL, we have rich experiences operate large size shipping goods by FR(Flat Rack),Bulk-cargo,Roll-Roll for vehicle.Meanwhile, we offer the best shipping freight.
JMS provide direct and transfer shipping service by air for the shipping goods from any city in China to Cambodia based on demand from customer, and we offer very competitive air freight.
JMS provide the door to door shipping service include Duty and Vat even you do not have import license.

FCL Shipping from China to Cambodia

JMS offer very competitive ocean freight and provide enough space from carriers for any kinds of shipment goods from China to Cambodia.

LCL Shipping from China to Cambodia

JMS provide direct shipping service for LCL shipment goods from China to Sihanoukville and collect lower destination charge.

More Services When Shipping from China to Cambodia

Pick up your goods in any city in China.
We provide free warehousing services for your goods.
Cargo insurance protects your goods all the way to Cambodia.
Ensure safe packaging and loading of goods in your suppliers factory.
We handle all paperwork and other details for you.

Your Best Freight Forwarder from China to Cambodia

  • Offer very competitive shipping rates for any kinds of shipment goods
  • Provide several professional logistics routes
  • Pick up and delivery in any city
  • Door to door shipping service from China to Cambodia
  • Free warehouse storage in China
  • Expert local shipping service in China
  • Provide Form E certificate
  • Paper work and product classification
  • Rich experiences handle OOG(out of gauge) goods
  • Container loading supervision
  • 24/7 on line support

How long Shipping from China to Cambodia by Sea and Air Freight

Port of Loading Port of Arrive Transit Time
Shanghai Sihanoukville 8
Shenzhen Sihanoukville 4
Guangzhou Sihanoukville 4
Ningbo Sihanoukville 10
Qingdao Sihanoukville 12
Tianjin Sihanoukville 16
Xiamen Sihanoukville 8
Dalian Sihanoukville 17
China Cambodia 1-3 days by air

Shipping From China to Cambodia: The Complete Guide

Today, I want to show you how to ship from China to Cambodia.

It is a simple and straightforward process that works for me every time I am importing from China to Cambodia.

First, you must adopt best practices, choose a suitable shipping mode, use suitable Incoterm and work with a local freight forwarder in China, among other aspects.

In case you want to learn more on this subject, read this guide to the end.

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 China to Cambodia – Photo courtesy: My Escapades

Chapter 1: Best Practices when Importing from China to Cambodia

China is unquestionably the largest producer and exporter of a wide range of products.

It is a country that has the resources and workforce.

Therefore, it becomes easier for other countries to import these different products from this nation.

And talking about importing goods from China to Cambodia, it’s important to know the specific policies guiding the practice.

What I’m mainly trying to tell you here is that authorities from both nations have set some rules governing shipping of goods.

As an importer, whether bulk for the business of small for personal use, knowing these practices is vital.

It enables you to avert any incidents that might inconvenience you in one way or another.

So, let’s look at some of the basic practices which you need to consider as importer before shipping items from China to Cambodia.

Know Prohibited and Regulated Imports to Cambodia

Well, product knowledge is one of the biggest challenges that often cause problems for many business people that import goods from China.

By product knowledge, I mean getting a deeper understanding of the particular product which you can import from China which isn’t prohibited or restricted in Cambodia.

Cambodian Customs Official Website

Like I mentioned earlier, China as a country has her own specific rules which prohibit or restricts exportation of particular products.

On the same note, Cambodia also restricts and prohibits the importation of specific goods.

The reasons for such restrictions and prohibitions vary from one country to another.

For instance, it could be due to environmental degradation concerns, cultural philosophies, health issues as well as strategic economic measures.

To be on the safe side, ensure you know the specific products that you can ship from China to Cambodia without prohibition or restriction.

Register with Cambodia’s Department of Business Registration

As an importer in Cambodia, you ought to register with the relevant body that deals with this particular practice.

Cambodia has an authority known as the department of business registration.

It is responsible for elements regarding authorization and licensing of business entities.

So by registering with this body, it becomes possible for you to import your goods not only from China but also other countries as well.

By registering with the department, you need to submit all the relevant details and documents to facilitate faster registration.

The bottom line though is that you can never conduct any sort of import-export business in Cambodia if you don’t have authorization from this department.

Import Requirements and Documents when Importing to Cambodia

I’ll tell you this for free; there is never a way you’ll ever import any product to Cambodia without clearing it with the relevant authorities.

So it does not matter which means you use to get the goods into the country, whether bulk or just a small parcel.

Certificate of Origin

 Certificate of Origin

There are specific clearing points where all the assessments of the goods happen.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to ensure that you have all the import requirement and documents.

You see, when importing to Cambodia, it is quite clear that you’ll have supporting documents from the country of origin.

These documents primarily are for facilitating the movement of these goods and verifying that they are indeed legal and meet all the regulations.

For that matter, and for the sake of unnecessary inconveniences, always make sure that you have all your import documents at hand.

So that whenever the consignment goes through a clearance process, it becomes easy and faster.

Some of the significant import requirements and documents include import declaration form, bill of lading, commercial invoice, packing list, and insurance policy.

We will look at these documents in detail later on in this guide.

So do not worry especially if you don’t know what they mean or if you’re possibly reading about them for the first time.

How to Calculate Import Tax in Cambodia

Let me put it clear; you must know the cost of importing goods from China to Cambodia before even thinking of doing it.

Import tasx

 Import tax – Photo courtesy: PICPEDIA

For any business to thrive, it is always important to know all the elements you put in and weigh in selling price that guarantees effectiveness.

Now, as much as this practice is quite vital, you also have to know how to calculate it.

First of all, when calculating import tax in Cambodia, you have to factor in quite a number of aspects.

One of the reasons why it’s essential to figure out how to calculate import tax in Cambodia is that it gives you a better idea of total cost.

So that if perhaps it becomes easy to communicate with a potential investor and see the validity of investing in that business.

Secondly, knowing the tax allows you to establish a price which conforms to the Cambodian market.

Then thirdly, this knowledge also makes it possible for you to determine the pattern and cost of Cambodian taxation system.

Well, in a nutshell, when calculating import tax in Cambodia, there’s a particular table that incorporates different elements that you need to use.

From this table, you’ll be able to tabulate the net tax to pay when importing in Cambodia.

This table captures all the necessary aspects which you entirely need to obtain.

Alternatively, you can as well find a customs clearance agency that specializes in calculating such taxes to assist you in doing so.

At the end of the day, all you need to know is the effect that the taxation system in Cambodia has on importing goods from China.

Understand and Clear with Cambodia Customs Regulations

Then ultimately, you also need to know and comprehend the regulations guiding importation of goods in Cambodia.

The first and most important customs regulations in Cambodia is the importation of nothing short of quality goods.

 Customs clearance

 Customs clearance

By the way, Cambodian rules indicate that import goods from foreign countries must meet specific quality standards before allowed inside the country.

The Institute of Standards of Cambodia (ISC) is responsible for evaluating all the products whether foreign or local and ensure they meet the standards.



Therefore, before even thinking of importing any item, you need to ensure that it conforms to the ISC’s specifications.

The Cambodian government understands entirely well that importing some products could be detrimental to the environment and people’s well being.

What I’m saying here is you must ensure you find a way of confirming your shipments from China carry strictly acceptable quality standards.

Basically, these are the major practices which you need to have in mind when thinking of shipping products from China to Cambodia.

Indeed, other nitty-gritty is also vital to take note of.

Fortunately, we’ll cover them in this guide in different sections, and you’ll be able to identify them accordingly.

In the next chapter, we want to also look at another equally essential aspect surrounding the Incoterms of shipping from China to Brazil.

Chapter 2: China to Cambodia Shipping Incoterms

One of the most important elements surrounding the business of import and export is the Incoterms.

What happens is that there are specific regulations which guide the different mechanisms of international business.

The implication of all these is that this process derives its procedures form an international chamber of commerce.

But before we discuss further what these rules and regulations are, let’s first define the term Incoterms 2010.

Incoterms primarily refer to a set of specific guiding principles which define the responsibilities of businesspeople for delivery of goods under sales contracts.

In other words, we can say incoterms is a three-letter code which defines when the cargo is transferred from buyer to seller.

In most cases, the incoterms usually differ depending on the type of transaction, contract, and mode of transport.

Understanding the Incoterms is essential since it provides the basis for international shipping.

Therefore, if you can’t know what it’s all about, you can end up paying more for your shipments than the actual amount.

 Incoterms 2010

 Incoterms 2010

In this section, we want to look at some of the incoterms when shipping from China to Cambodia.

1. EXW Shipping to Cambodia from China

This incoterm refers to the factory price for goods that do not include shipping.

EXW shipping to Cambodia from China thus implies that as the buyer, you’ll have to arrange for your transportation.



And this must be from the factory floor in China all the way to your premises in Cambodia.

EXW shipping from China to Cambodia doesn’t include quite a number of documents.

2. DDP Shipping to Cambodia from China

It refers to Delivery Duty Paid to ship.

In this case, necessarily, this incoterm is an indication that the seller in China must deliver it to your premises in Cambodia.

At the same time, this incoterm also indicates that the seller is solely responsible for clearing the shipment at the customs and also ready to unload it.


 DDP – Photo courtesy: Trading Finance

In other words, this incoterm defines the responsibility of the seller regarding ensuring that the consignment reaches the buyer’s destination.

3. FOB Shipping to Cambodia from China

FOB is an abbreviation Free on Board.

Its use in shipping terms involves a number of costs, responsibilities, and risks equally and fairly distributed.



Under the FOB terms, it’s the responsibility of the seller to cover all costs that may be involved in the shipping of consignment.

However, this is limited to the point where the vessel is loaded on a ship at the port.

What you need to know here is that an import from China to Cambodia means your seller is responsible for the good until they get to a ship.

However, the moment the consignment leaves the dock in China; the responsibility now shifts to you as a buyer in Cambodia.

The other terms of FOB also indicate that the seller must also take care of the export clearance.

And remember this is important because the Chinese Customs Authority is permitted to hold cargo should you fail to provide clear information for export.

4. CIF Shipping to Cambodia from China

This shipping term refers to Cost, Insurance and Freight.

So what this incoterm primarily means is that the seller arranges delivery of the consignment to the port of destination in Cambodia.

Nonetheless, the supplier can only deliver the consignment upon suitable packaging, clearance and safely stored board for shipping.


 CIF – Photo courtesy: International Commercial Terms

CIF shipping terms, however, do not include LCL charges, unloading fees or CSIF or any fees which the agent might in the destination port add.

On the other hand, it includes export clearance, sea freight charges as well as transporting the goods to the port of loading in China.

5. DAT Shipping Incoterms from China to Cambodia

DAT means Delivery at Terminal.

In this case, it indicates that the supplier is responsible for delivering the items from the floor of the factory in China to a specific terminal in Cambodia.


 DAT – Photo courtesy: International Commercial Terms

Usually, DAT includes all the applicable charges which might be added to in the port of destination.

It also provides for the cost of inland transportation within Cambodia to your specific or nearest terminal.

However, DAT does not include the inland transport to a particular address like your warehouse or probably your home.

Well, these are the common incoterms when shipping from China to Cambodia.

Nonetheless, you also need to understand that while at it, you must determine a particular incoterm that would guarantee efficiency and reduce cost.

Therefore, go for an incoterm which is straightforward, and guarantees transparency and cost control.

So when shipping from China to Cambodia, the best incoterm would actually vary depending on several factors.

But if possible, you may choose to consider FOB from your seller and then DAP shipment from your freight forwarder.

In this case, it means that your supplier will be responsible for handling the transportation from the factory floor in China.

At the same time, they also handle all the relevant export clearance procedures.

Nevertheless, your forwarder handles the shipping of the consignment from the port of loading in China, customs clearance and shipping to Cambodia.

Chapter 3: Cheapest Shipping from China to Cambodia

Listen, whether you’re importing items from China to Cambodia for business or for personal use, it is always necessary to determine the overall cost first.

The truth that import/export business only makes sense if you’re using the best and cheapest means possible.

In many occasions, importers usually task various agencies to help them in knowing the different types of shipping rates.

Well, this could be a better option since it prevents you from undergoing stress-related issues which arise from the entire process.

However, my suggestion is that it would be of your best interest to comprehend the numerous factors that lead to the overall cost.

So in this section, we want to discuss a few aspects which enable you to determine the cheapest shipping mode and process from China to Cambodia.

First of all, Cambodia is a member of ASEAN Economic and Political Community.

Therefore, its customs barriers and other processes with China are already facilitated.



So the ASEAN-Chinese Free Trade (ACFTA) provides an official agreement that fixes the customs and tariff barriers between China and Cambodia.

What this means is that there is a reduction of tariffs barriers to zero of the 90% of goods imported to Cambodia.

And the bottom line, in this case, is that chances are high you will not have to pay duties when importing Chinese products to Cambodia.

Another fundamental aspect regarding shipping rates from China to Cambodia surrounds the exemption of tax for goods imported.

Tax exemption is a fundamental concern, and you can get it only of your supplier or seller sends an error-free FORM E page.

You also need to have a document known as a certificate of origin (CO).

It is a document which authenticates that originality of the goods you’re importing is from a specific area in China.

A notary official or government must also approve this documents for it to be valid.

Furthermore, you also need to have the ASEAN-China Free Trade certificate of origin commonly referred to as FORM E.

Form E

 Form E

This document merely complies with the pertinent provisions of the goods.

So in general, it is always essential to ensure that you understand all the importing procedures as well as the necessary taxes and related payments.

What is imperative in this case is knowing that the cheapest mode of importing products from China to Cambodia understands the rates.

Indeed, the shipping rates often vary depending on several elements.

And in numerous cases, other than taxes on a specific product, and mode of shipping.

The truth is that shipping rates are dependent on numerous factors.

It is essential to conduct diligence concerning the type of product, shipping method and all taxes involved to determine the overall shipping cost.

Chapter 4: Transit Time from China to Cambodia

When shipping products to Cambodia from China, one key element that you to put in mind is the transit time.

Well, this is dependent on several factors including the means of shipping and customs clearance both in China and Cambodia ports respectively.

But once the cargo leaves the port of loading in China, the main element determining the transit time is the mode of shipping.

When importing to Cambodia from China, you can use sea freight, air freight or better sill rail freight.

Sea freight is the common mode of shipping for relatively bulky products same as a rail.

Air freight is ideal for perishable or extremely urgent shipments due to the time constraints.

So when shipping to Cambodia from China using sea, you ought to know that the routes are quite different.

So it generally means that the transit time will have to vary depending on the specific route.

Again, China has several ports which also determine the transit times. Cambodia, on the other hand, has a one deep water trade port located in Sihanoukville.

 From China to Cambodia

 From China to Cambodia

It is where all the good you send to Cambodia via sea freight enter the territory.

So in general, the transit time between Chinese seaports and Sihanoukville varies between 12-6 days.

When using air freight, it can take anything between 1-3 days also depending on the availability of the airlines as well as the customs clearance process.

Nevertheless, the number of days for rail freight will highly depend on the specific city in China where the goods leave specific destination in Cambodia.

But in general, though, it takes anything between 5-13 days to transport cargo via rail freight from China to Cambodia.

Chapter 5: Sea Freight from China to Cambodia

Like I did mention earlier, sea freight is the most common mode of transporting shipments to Cambodia from China.

However, the seaports and harbors in Cambodia are not developed to the required international standards.

But a deep sea water trade port in the Cambodian coastline is helpful in receiving goods entering this territory.

So lets’ briefly look at some fundamental aspects of sea freight from China to Cambodia;

China-Cambodia Direct Cargo Shipping Route

The direct China-Cambodia shipping route depends precisely with the location of the port of loading.

This route starts from the specific port of loading in China and goes directly to Cambodia.

The route is on the eastern side of China and goes all the way to the southern parts of Cambodia.

· FCL Container Sea Shipping to Cambodia

FCL refers to Full Container Load which is basically having the entire space of the container for yourself.

In other words, there’s no sharing of the container space when importing goods from China to Cambodia.

So it is upon you to determine whether to fill it fully or partially before shipping it.

· LCL Consolidation Shipping from China to Cambodia

LCL is an abbreviation for Less than Container Loading.

It is about merging of different products whether from a single customer or different importers into one container.

Loading a shipping container

 Loading a shipping container

The essence here is always to ensure that the container space is fully utilized and in return cutting shipping cost.

· Drop shipping FCL Sea Shipping Freight to Cambodia

This is one of the best ways that many importers use to ship products from China to Cambodia.

This method does not require the retailer to keep goods in stock.

However, the retailer transfers all the orders of the clients as well as the details for the shipment to the manufacturer, wholesaler or another retailer.

 Drop shipping

 Drop shipping

So it’s these third parties that will then ship the particular product to the customer directly.

FCL/LCL door to door sea shipping from China to Cambodia

The FCL/LCL door to door shipping is another mode of shipping imports from China to Cambodia which is getting quite an impetus.

Door to door shipping

 Door to door shipping

Mostly, there are specific companies that offer these services upon liaising with the freight forwarders.

It is one of the best ways of shipping imports since you’ll have the minimal role possible in getting your shipment.

Cambodia Shipping Company from China

Well, it is always necessary to know the types of companies you can liaise with to ship your product to Cambodia from China.

They’re quite a number but we can only say a few of them stand out in the market, and they include the following;

  • ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.
  • COSCO Shipping to Cambodia
  • OOCL Shipping from China to Cambodia
  • MAERSK Shipping to Cambodia

All these shipping companies have an outstanding reputation in providing quality, convenient, cost-effective and efficient shipping services.

For more information, it would be ideal to contact each independently and make specific inquiries.

Chapter 6: Air Shipping to Cambodia from China

When it comes to shipping of goods from China to Cambodia, one of the fundamentals to look into the speed.

It definitely means that the estimated arrival time for a particular shipment has to be clear from the word go.

This helps in making sure that you prevent any form of inconvenience that is likely to arise.

Again it enables you to organize yourself in a better approach for any eventuality.

But then, a significant determinant of the speed of shipping consignment between these two nations is the mode of transport.

Air shipping to Cambodia from China is comparatively faster.

So that makes it ideal for any product that requires faster shipping or one that is somewhat perishable.

Most importers use air freight to ship items which need to get to the market urgently.

Air freight requires a number of procedures, but it is nonetheless the best for shipping consignments regarding speed.

So as an importer in Cambodia, you may deliberate on the ideal mode of transport for your items and finally pick on air freight.

So once you do that, it becomes necessary to understand some of the basic but specific concepts surrounding air shipping.

And one of these details is about the major airports in both the exporting and importing countries.

So let’s have a look at some of these airports;

Main Airports in China and Cambodia

Airports are the infrastructures which facilitate taking off and landing of the cargo planes in different countries respectively.

It is thus of importance to understand that for international trade to grow between different countries, facilities such as airports have to be there.

So when it comes to China and Cambodia, they both have major international airports where different cargo carriers operate from.

But then, the major reason for discussing the main airports in China and Cambodia is to give you sufficient knowledge on which one to use.

What I’m trying to say here is that it makes economic sense to use airports that are closer to the factory and your destination.

Of course, this helps to save time and money at the end of it all.

So as you might preempt, China has quite a several international airports for cargo carriers.

Some of these airports are quite busy and record a significant amount of cargo transit on a daily basis.

The top six international airports in China that you might think of using include the following;

Airports in China

 Airports in China

  • China Shanghai Pudong International Airport
  • Beijing Capital International Airport
  • Hongkong International Airport
  • Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport
  • Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport
  • China Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport

All these airports handle different capacities of cargo.

Nonetheless, they are the most commonly used when it comes to international air freight shipping.

All of them are located in different parts of China.

It thus means that you can only use the one that is closer to the particular manufacturer where you’re buying goods.

You may as well choose to transport your consignment from other relatively small local airports to the major ones before shipping to Cambodia.

But there are other several cases where you’ll also find that you can as well ship your cargo directly from local airports directly to Cambodia.

The bottom line in this instance is for you to determine the particular aspect which is feasible for you as far as transporting goods is concerned.

On the other hand, Cambodia also has quite a number of airports.

This country actually has about 17 airports situated in different provinces.


 Airports in Cambodia Airports in Cambodia

Indeed not all of them meet the international standards for cargo handling, but they help significantly in facilitating movement of goods locally.

But some of the major ones which you may consider for shipping goods from China include the following;

  • Phnom Pehn
  • Siem Reap
  • Sihanoukville

In most instances, importers often use this three airports for importing their consignments.

They meet the international requirements and have several facilities which make the work quite easy.

And like I did mention before if your destination is far from these three major international airports in Cambodia, you may transport locally.

There are local cargo carriers that offer such services at cost-effective rates.

So it is merely upon you to determine the right one that meets your particular needs.

And talking of cargo carriers, it would also be essential to know some of the carriers that you can use to deliver the cargos at your destination.

Airlines to Cambodia from China

One significant aspect regarding the same is that the different airlines obviously offer their services at different rates.

So it is again upon you to know the right one to pick depending on your budget and other specific needs.

Nonetheless, you should also know that this usually is a sort of arrangement that your shipping agent always handles.

China Airlines

China Airlines

But it is just imperative to know at least to have some basic idea of what they are and what they entail.

The truth of the matter, however, is that several cargo airlines ply China to Cambodia route in different time and basis.

Therefore, it is an indication that you can never fail to obtain one which suits your needs, regardless.

As if that is not enough, it would also be vital to make a wise decision when picking the articular airline especially by understanding their contracts correctly.

Some of the leading cargo airlines plying this route include the following;

  • China Airlines
  • Southeast Asia
  • Cambodia Airways
  • Etihad Airways
  • Lammei Airlines
  • Fly Emirates
  • Bassaka Air
  • Cambodia Angkor Air
  • Cambodia Bayon Airlines
  • Malaysia Airlines
  • Singapore Airlines

As you can see, the options are quite several.

The vital thing to do is making sure that you make your choice correctly depending on what you need.

Also, you need to take note of the fact that there are other private airlines which also offer similar services.

So before you finally decide on a specific one, you can evaluate all the possible options.

This can be easier when you consult with your shipping agent given that they have all the information about the same.

Chapter 7: Courier Express Delivery Service from China to Cambodia

Well, owing to the somewhat shorter distance between China and Cambodia, one of the best ways for shipping products is couriers express delivery.

This service is becoming quite common and useful especially when transporting relatively less bulky consignments.

So what it courier express delivery system in the first place?

In this case, it refers to transportation of specific shipment from China to Cambodia directly to your destination within the shortest time possible.

 Express Shipping

 Express shipping

Express shipping aims to reduce the time taken for transporting the consignment from the country of origin to that of destination.

Also, it aims at establishing and enhancing all the convenience and safety concerns that may arise during shipping of particular items.

Interestingly, nowadays, there are several international companies which offer express courier delivery services from China to Cambodia.

And the most important thing regarding these services is that nowadays they’re ensuring that you get the consignment at your doorstep.

So basically, they organize every bit of shipping all the way from the manufacturer to your destination point.

The underlying factor in using this type of service when shipping items from China to Cambodia is safety and convenience.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that using other modes of shipping services do not offer the same.

Some do, but the level of express courier is a bit on a higher notch than the rest.

Almost all the companies offering this service have put in place effective mechanisms for tracking the cargo from the point leaves to when it arrives.

And that’s possibly the reason this particular service tends to be somewhat costly.

That notwithstanding, it is a fact that the service is worth the cost especially when you consider all the interventions for making it feasible.

Some of the key players that provide these services which you can opt to choose to include the following;

· FedEx Shipping to Cambodia from China

FedEx is arguably one of the major courier express delivery services which many people in this region use most of the time.

It provides the best experience in shipping items from China to Cambodia hence making it one of the biggest names in this industry.



This company offers faster delivery service which can take between 1-5 days depending on your specific location within Cambodia.

The company has a well-established system which is essential in enhancing service delivery to different parts of Cambodia.

And the good thing is that FedEx delivers the consignment on your doorstep.

Therefore, you have to provide the correct postal address and other relevant details for easy and swift access.

· DHL Shipping to Cambodia from China

DHL is also another one of the largest courier express delivery service companies that are commonly used between China and Cambodia.

DHL is more or less similar to FedEx in terms of operations only that there are a few administrative and procedural elements that vary.

DHL transport aircraft and delivery vehicle


This company also ships different types of products from the manufacturer all the way to your doorstep.

Apparently, DHL also has a mechanism of ensuring that every aspect of delivery is safeguarded and conveniently delivered to the customer.

It has put several measures in place to counter any form of wrong delivery or delays.

From China to Cambodia, you can expect your shipment within five days also depending on your location.

Chapter 8: Buying from Online Stores and Shipping to Cambodia

Now, there is something important I want you to understand when it comes to buying or importing from China.

We are in a time where you don’t have to physically visit the factory or warehouse where you’re buying or importing products from.

What I mean here is that the advancing technology is providing a wide range of opportunities in making sure that your convenience is key.

Several online platforms are available on the internet where you can merely import specific items from just a click of your computer mouse.

And in China, there are to leading online stores which you can use for shipping and importing the different items.

Let’s have a brief overview of the two leading players in the online retail that you may consider for buying from and shipping;

· Alibaba Shipping to Cambodia

Alibaba is unquestionably one of the leading online stores for shopping not only in Asia but also in the world.

It is a platform that provides you with an opportunity to shop from different products in different places within China and other countries.

Primarily, you can use Alibaba to purchase different items in China and receive them in Cambodia.



This entity has a well-laid out structure that it uses in ensuring that you receive your shipments within the stipulated duration.

The time-frame for shipping products through Alibaba from China to Cambodia, of course, varies depending on several aspects.

But the main issue at hand, in this case, is that this platform gives you the best approach for importing different products from China to Cambodia hassle-free.

All you need is identifying the product, adding it to the cart and complete the usual formalities then receive your shipment.

· AliExpress shipping to Cambodia

This platform is also more or less similar to Alibaba in a significant way.

Basically, it is a platform which connects suppliers and buyers hence reducing the hassles that often come with the physical visit to the factory.

All you need to have is an AliExpress account which upon signing up allows you to carry all types of transactions anytime you feel like.



AliExpress is also vital in ensuring that you receive your consignment within the minimum time possible.

Moreover, the delivery unit of this company also ensures that they provide the consignment to your location.

This type of store makes your work easy since you’ll not necessarily to go through the various customs procedures.

And that is the reason in most cases you’ll find different types of imports nowadays come through these particular online stores.

Chapter 9: How to Choose Shipping Agent from China to Cambodia

The dynamics of shipping goods from China to Cambodia are quite easy or challenging depending on numerous elements.

And if you’re a frequent exporter or importer, the chances are high that this is something you can experience from time to time.

One of the most important things in the import/export business is convenience.

It thus means that you need to do everything within your power that would guarantee you necessary convenience.

Unquestionably, one way of attaining this important reliability is finding the ideal shipping agent.

Maersk Line

 Maersk Line

By the way, this is something which does not necessarily come easy.

You have to do your research well and ensure that you get all your facts right before picking one.

The truth is that there are quite a lot of aspects which you have to put into consideration when looking for a shipping agent from China to Cambodia.

And to make the matter even more challenging, these agents are quite a several hence causing more confusion on which one to select.

Definitely, this is triggered by the potential of booming import/export business which is becoming fundamental in international commerce.

For that reason, what you ought to know is that you can easily find any shipping agent for that matter.

But for you to get the best one, you have to put in more efforts.

The essence for this is quite obvious; convenience and reliability are guaranteed.

Some in this section, let me take you through some of the significant aspects that guide you on choosing an ideal shipping agent.

a) Reliability

This element is not only important in choosing the best shipping agent but also necessary for picking any business partner.

So when looking for an ideal shipping agency, you must ensure that they’re trustworthy.

I bet you would never wish to partner with a particular company which never gives you any reason to believe that they’ll deliver your shipment.

Also, you wouldn’t wish to find a shipping forwarder that is disorganized in one way or the other.

Remember that this kind of business requires huge investments both financially and mentally.

Therefore, there is no place for creating uncertainty that would lead to unnecessary delay, mishap or lose.

One important thing with picking a reliable freight forwarder is that all shipping processes move on smoothly and efficiently.

This, of course, is a type of company that understands all the nitty-gritty of this kind of business.

Therefore, it makes it easy for them to handle all the possible challenges head on and hastens the process.

You also need to realize that most shipments are time-bound.

Therefore, they have to reach a specific delivery point within the stipulated period of failure to which other inconveniences might arise.

And the only sure way of attaining this is by working with a reliable shipping agent.

Therefore, when picking an agency that provides shipping services, ensure that they are trustworthy to the latter.

b) Handling Capacity

Well, perhaps you did not see this one coming but here is the truth;

One of the most outstanding features to look into a shipping agent from China to Cambodia is handling capacity.

Listen. Ordinarily, so many activities often happen in any port for that matter.

So it becomes challenging to coordinate the different processes together particularly when the cargo has to move urgently.

Therefore, it is the handling capacity of the agency that will significantly determine whether or not the process will be as efficient as possible.

Port of Shenzhen

 Port of Shenzhen

If you’re a frequent importer, you’ll realize that with time the volume of your shipment will always tend to vary.

There are periods when you’ll import a few items whereas there are other times when you’ll always import bulk goods.

Seasons may also vary hence giving you the reason for importing different volumes of products from time to time.

That notwithstanding, the most important aspect is ensuring that your shipping agent will clear and deliver the consignment.

So what I’m trying to say here is that only choose a freight forwarder that can handle different volumes at any specific time.

The importance of this is that you’re guaranteed of getting your shipment within the stipulated period regardless of the season.

A suitable way of determining the handling capacity of a particular shipping agent is by determining its workforce.

The other way is also by looking at the infrastructure as well as the structure of the shipping agency.

c) Networks

Possibly, this might sound relatively insignificant, but I can tell you for free to always choose a shipping agent that has multiple contacts.

Network in this case just means having a well-established connection with other like-minded entities in this business.

Large shipping network

 Large shipping network

Remember shipping goods from China to Cambodia is an international affair.

Therefore, most aspects of shipping have to involve different parties in both countries in different ways.

It is therefore inevitable for any international shipping agency to have as many networks across the border as possible.

Primarily, the significance of having this kind of secure network is to help in facilitating easy movement of the shipment.

For instance, when shipping from China to Cambodia, it would be ideal to consider a forwarding agent that has enough networks.

This will make the entire work easy hence creating room for convenience as well as efficiency in shipping, monitoring and delivering the items.

The basic reason for choosing a shipping agent with connections both locally and internationally is to ease the process on both ends if necessary.

d) Knowledge and experience

Well, just because the import/export business is booming and everyone is probably getting into it doesn’t mean they’re all adept.

When looking for a shipping agent from China to Cambodia, you’ll notice that you’ll find quite several on your search list.

But one way of narrowing the list is by determining the level of experience and knowledge in regards to China to Cambodia route and dynamics.

The truth is that this kind of process requires numerous procedures, events as well as documentation that need accurate understanding.

So it is quite obvious why there is a need for finding a relatively knowledgeable and experienced shipping agent.

Trust me; you can only have peace of mind when you’re sure that whoever handles your consignment understands the various business perspectives.

You know why? It’s because you’re confident every bit of the process will move on as it is supposed to until the shipment arrives.

The best way of attaining this is by thoroughly assessing all the necessary credentials that your potential shipping agent brings on the table.

e) Compliance

The problem with the import/export business is that some people or entities often think they know several shortcuts for getting the job done.

So you’ll find that they always attempt to use some weird means of ensuring that at the end of it all, they succeed in their quest.

Listen, in this time and age of technology; you can do very little in the export/import business and get away with it.

In fact, it is almost becoming close to impossible to carry out any business transaction which doesn’t conform to the requirements.

What I’m saying here is that no matter how adept you may think the shipping agent is, ensure that it’s compliant.

Of course in the shipping business, there are sets of rules from both countries.

But the bottom line is that the agent has to be compliant with all the regulations and other requirements accordingly.

You can as well do thorough research and find out whether or not your preferred shipping agent has all the relevant compliance documentation.

Generally, there are quite several ways of determining the ideal shipping agent to facilitate delivery of your consignment from China to Cambodia.

These are just a few of them which of course are fundamental, and you have to look into to obtain the best and desirable results.

Now as we edge closer to completing this guide, I also want to suggest for you an ideal freight forwarder you may think to consider.

And speaking of consideration, of course, several elements obviously make this type of service provider an ultimate choice.

So let’s get straight to the next chapter and find out more about it;

Chapter 10: JMS Freight Forwarder Services from China Cambodia

In the previous section, you’ve seen some of the major aspects that are essential in allowing you to get the best forward agent.

Evidently, it can be somewhat challenging to know which specific entity to choose especially if you’re doing it for the first time.



But as you know from the beginning of this guide, my essence is to provide solutions even after arming you with relevant information.

So in this case, it would be utterly unfair to merely give you all these facts and then leaving you without any reasonable leads or suggestions.

Primarily, if you’re indeed looking for an ideal freight forwarder services from China to Cambodia, you’re in the right place.

JMS is one of the well-established entities which offer significant efficiency when it comes to shipping services from China to Cambodia.

Like I told you earlier, shipping business requires a reliable, skillful and experienced partner, at least to guarantee you peace of mind.

And I can tell you for free that JMS is one of the leading entities in this industry that you can be sure offers such services.

In many instances, you’ll find that a number of freight forwarders find it difficult to ship consignments effectively during peak seasons.

Obviously, it may seem like an overwhelming experience especially for any company that lacks enough resources, infrastructure, expertise, and workforce.

But trust you me, this is the complete opposite of JMS Freight forwarder services.

This is a company that you can never go wrong with when thinking of shipping your cargo from China to Cambodia.

It is a company that provides better rates all the time of year, swiftness, convenience, customs, product classification, and paperwork.

JMS also provides pick up service, handles various types of shipments and has a capable workforce that drives its operations.

Therefore, my only advice to you is that you should always consider picking JMS freight forwarders for all your China to Cambodia shipping needs.


From this guide, I’m hopeful that you now have the basic idea of what entails shipping goods from China to Cambodia.

As you can see, it can be a hectic, frustrating and energy-draining process especially if you do not have relevant information at hand.

The most important thing that however I need you to derive from this guide is getting and dealing with a reliable freight forwarder.

This is like the backbone of this entire process.

And once you get one like JMS as you can see above, trust me your worries regarding any form of shipping between China and Cambodia will be a thing of the past.

However, even after reading this guide and you realize you have any questions, suggestions or additions, feel free to contact us.

We will also appreciate your feedback at the comment box concerning the entire guide.

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