Shipping from China to Indonesia

JMS provide shipping service from China to Indonesia for many kinds of merchandises, such as Furniture, Clothing, Antenna, Electronic product, Machine,etc.,

Besides general merchandise, we handle Chemical products, Hazardous goods and OOG (out of gauge) goods.

JMS have rich experience to handle shipping goods, whether you import goods from Taobao, Alibaba or any other platform, we will provide you the best shipping solution and competitive shipping rates from China to Indonesia by Sea freight and by air freight.

Get our best shipping freight rate from China to Indonesia Now.

JMS provide good shipping service and competitive ocean freight both FCL and LCL from China to Indonesia, your shipment will not via Hongkong so that consignee saves the import duty.
JMS have good cooperation with MU, SQ, MF, HX, CZ, JT, VN, XJ so that we can provide good air freight and enough shipping accommodation from any airport in China to anywhere in Indonesia.
Under EXW and DAP trade terms, JMS provide door to door shipping service from any city in China to any address in Indonesia,even consignee has not importer license.

FCL Shipping from China to Indonesia

Besides competitive ocean freight, JMS have many direct shipping services from China to Indonesia to choose, as we know, forwarder must provide shipping route do not via Hongkong, otherwise, you will pay more duty in Indonesia customs for some kinds of goods.

LCL Shipping from China to Indonesia

JMS provide stable shipping schedule every week from China port to Jakarta, Belawan, Semarang, Surabaya, and we charge lower destination fees than the market.

Additional services for shipping from China to Indonesia

We will pick up your goods in any city in China.
JMS provides free warehousing services for any of your goods
The cargo insurance protects your goods all the way to any city of Indonesia
We will handle all paperwork and other details for you.

Your Best Freight Forwarder from China to Indonesia

  • Provide the competitive shipping freight
  • Charge the reasonable local fee to shipper under the FOB term, avoid the complaint from Shipper
  • Choose the direct service port to port
  • Enough shipping accommodation even in the peak season from shipping line companies
  • Pick up and delivery service in any city
  • Provide Form E and other documents customers need
  • Consolidate service


How Long When Shipping from China to Indonesia by Sea Freight

Port of Loading Port of Arrive Transit Time
Shanghai Jakarta 9
Shenzhen Jakarta 5
Ningbo Jakarta 6
Qingdao Jakarta 15
Tianjin Jakarta 9
Xiamen Jakarta 7

PS: If you need to ship your goods by air freight, it will need 1 to 3 days from China to Indonesia

Shipping from China to Indonesia: The Ultimate Guide

Are you looking to import from China to Indonesia?

Well, nice move and I bet you have your reasons for wanting to import directly from China.

One of those reasons, I suppose, is because you want to cut out the middlemen and hopefully get a better price deal.

Now to achieve this, there are a lot of things that you will have to consider, among them is the shipping process.

Take note that shipping from China is not just about getting products from China to your destination.

It involves a lot of other things that you need to know and understand for the process to be smooth.

This guide, therefore, will take you through everything you need to know about shipping from China to Indonesia.

So read it to get more enlightenment.

China to Indonesia

China to Indonesia

Chapter 1: China to Indonesia Customs Import Regulations

Imports to Indonesia usually undergoes heavy customs scrutiny.

The Indonesian customs personnel are usually very strict in ensuring that shipments comply with import regulations.

Thus, it is your duty as a shipper to ensure that your goods will easily pass through the Indonesian customs.

That said, lets us take a look at the Indonesians customs imports structure.

Main imports from China to Indonesia

When people talk of South East Asian economies, most of them consider only China and India.

This is mostly because the two are the known leading players in the region’s economy.

But then, we needn’t forget Indonesia.

Although small, Indonesia is among the fastest growing economies of the South East Asian region.

The country offers various opportunities for profit for both exporters and importers.

Indonesian imports

Indonesian Imports

You can easily grow your importation business here if you identify a niche that sells.

And, given that China is among Indonesia’s largest trade partners, there sure are opportunities for trade and profit in made in China products.

So what can you import from China to Indonesia?

  • Food, e., vegetables, and meat
  • Machinery
  • Mineral fuels
  • Plastics
  • inorganic chemicals
  • Cereals
  • Food waste
  • Iron and steel products
  • Meat
  • Footwear
  • Textiles worn clothing
  • Toys and games
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Electronic equipment

These are the top products imports from China to Indonesia.

So if you’re yet to identify a product to import, you can think along the lines of what’s provided above.

Note however that not all products that fall in the above categories are allowed entry into Indonesia.

As listed in the below section, there are customs limitations as to what can and cannot be brought into the country.

Product Limitations

Remember I’ve told you that Indonesia’s customs are quite strict.

And although the country enjoys a stable trade relationship with China, there are some restrictions on commodity imports.

China trade relation with ASEAN countries

China trade relations with ASEAN countries – Photo courtesy: YOSOF ISHAK INSTITUTE

These restrictions are solely for reasons of;

  • National security
  • Public safety
  • International commitments
  • protection of the local industry

The limitations on imports from China are split into three:

a) Free Imports

These are goods that are neither restricted nor prohibited.

You don’t need a permit or license to bring in these goods into Indonesia.

They include tobacco products which are limited to 50 cigars or 200cigarettes or 100 grams of tobacco.

Diplomats are exempted from this limitation.

There’s also 1 liter of liquor and a reasonable quantity of perfume.

You can also bring in personal goods up to a value of USD 250 per person or USD 1000 per family.

You won’t have to pay any duties for the above.

b) Restricted Items

These are items whose importation into Indonesia is regulated.

For these, as long as you’re willing to pay the capped duties and meet other requirements, you may still import them.

Restricted items in this regard include items such as medicines, printings, narcotics, firearm, and ammunition.

Pornography, fresh fruit, and cordless telephones are also restricted for importation.

You can only import these goods if you have a license allowing you to do so.

Other restricted items are video cameras, portable radio cassette recorders, binoculars, and sports equipment.

For these, duty must be paid by customs regulations unless you’re entering the country on a tourist visa.

To import pets, i.e., dogs or cats, you must get a permit from the Directorate General of Livestock.

You must also get good health and rabies vaccination certificate from an authorized government veterinarian in China.

c) Prohibited Imports in Indonesia

It is strictly forbidden to import certain products in Indonesia.

These include books, magazines, brochures and newspapers written in Chinese, in Indonesian or a local language (except for scientific reasons).

Section of Chinese News Paper

Section of Chinese News Paper

Tactical knives, flammable items, poison, counterfeit notes, and explosives are also prohibited for import into Indonesia.

There’s is not a port in Indonesia which allows these items through.

Anything in your shipment found to violate the import regulations will be confiscated.

You could also end paying high violation fees.

So take proper care when choosing, packing and shipping your items.

You should also ensure that your shipments are accompanied with proper import documentation.

This will help you avoid problems with customs and also ease the clearance process.

Allow me to explain a bit about documentation in the next section.

Documents when shipping from China to Indonesia

Successful shipping and customs clearance of goods from China to Indonesia dramatically depends on the documentation.

If you have the proper import documentation, the process will be hassle-free.

Otherwise, you will experience delays, rejection and a lot of other problems from customs offices.

Note that these documents need to be well filed and provided at the right times and to the proper authorities.

Usually, you will need to present the paperwork first at the port of departure and then at the destination port.

This means that paperwork should be made ready before shipping commences.

Depending on the incoterm you are using, your seller could be the one to prepare the paperwork, i.e., in FOB.

In other cases, you will need to work on the documents by yourself.

Regardless of who does the processing, these are the documents that you need for successful importation of goods from China to Indonesia:

1. Packing List

A packing list is an international shipping document that details the contents of a shipment.

This list indicates everything there is about the contents including the packaging dimensions, weight, number of items, etc.

Parking list

Parking list

It may seem trivial, but don’t be mistaken as this list is very crucial in freight shipping.

Its contents are vital in helping ease the process of customs clearance both at the origin and destination ports.

You may wonder how because after all, it’s just a list.

Well, with the information in the list, it is very easy for customs officials to verify the contents of your consignment.

This way, they will spend less time verifying the shipment and allowing it entry into Indonesia.

Besides, whenever there is a need for package inspection, a packing list becomes very crucial.

As the shipper, the list is also important to you as it helps you to crosscheck the goods you ordered vs. what you’ve gotten.

This way you can easily verify the quantity and quality of items shipped.

A packing list is also in most cases used to issue a bill of lading in sea freight.

A bill of lading, note, is also a crucial shipping document in sea freight. I’ll tell you more about it later on.

2. Commercial Invoice

What do you understand by the term invoice?

Well, It is a proof of sale between the seller and buyer right and in this case, it is no different.

A commercial invoice is generally a document that acts as proof of transaction between buyer and seller.

Once you make an order and it is ready, the seller will issue you with the commercial invoice.

Commercial invoice

Commercial invoice

It is with this document that you will be able to know the amount payable for goods.

You can then make the payment and assume ownership of goods.

Note that a commercial invoice usually denotes all details of a sale transaction which is very crucial.

Customs officials at both the origin and destination ports will need that information to clear goods for shipping and entry.

I want you to understand that a commercial invoice is not a standard document.

There is no specific way to prepare it.

You need to ensure that the final document conforms to the regular shipping practices.

You also need to ensure that the details given therein are clear and accurate.

The document has followed to the terms agreed upon the sale of goods.

It also has to include the name and address of both the buyer and seller, the order number, purchase date, and payments method.

Other information that you must include is the terms of sale, transaction currency and bill of lading/airway bill number.

The package dimensions, weight, marks, and measures, as well as the origin and destination ports, must also be included.

It may sound much, but trust me, you need to include all this to ensure easy movement of your goods from one point to the other.

And like I said, it will also help smoothen the customs clearance process.

So when you get the invoice, make a copy so that you submit the original and keep the copy in case you need it.

You should ensure that the manufacturer or supplier of goods duly signs the invoice as true and correct.

3. Bill of Lading/Airway Bill

The good thing about international shipping is that you have the option of shipping by air or by sea.

This will, of course, depend on the urgency to ship as well as your budget.

Either way, this document is essential.

Bill of lading

Bill of lading

In sea freight, it is known as an ocean bill of lading whereas air freight terms it as an airway bill.

An ocean bill of lading acts as a receipt of cargo and as a shipping agreement between the shipper and the carrier.

It also acts as a proof of ownership of goods; accordingly, if in negotiable form.

This means that ownership can be bought, sold or traded while the goods are still in transit.

Of the airway bill, it serves as through bill of lading.

This covers air shipping from an airport in China to one in Indonesia.

The airway bill number which is most important in air shipping documentation will be issued to you by the carrier of goods.

Note the significance of these two documents is the same only that an airway bill is non-negotiable

This means that you cannot sell, trade or transfer it when goods are in transit.

Please note:

The Indonesian Government recently imposed a new regulation on the bill of lading document.

This is that the document must also include the importer’s tax identification number and the cargo HS code.

For the code, only the first four digits are needed.

So make sure that your BOL conforms to this rule.

4. Import Permit

An import permit or license is a document that you acquire to allow you to import restricted goods into a country.

Import permit

Australia import permit

In this case, you will have to get the permit from the relevant Indonesian government authorities.

So, if you plan to import any restricted items to Indonesia, make sure you get the permit from the right government body.

5. Certificate of Origin

A c/o as it is often denoted is a document that indicates the country of origin of a product import.

This could be the country of manufacture, production or processing of the product.

Certificate of origin

Certificate of origin

I like to think of it as a certificate of birth of a product.

For importation into Indonesia, you need this document to declare the type of goods you’re importing.

You also need to provide it to customs as they use it to calculate applicable duties and tariffs on imports.

This way, it becomes easier to clear the goods and allow them entry into Indonesia.

6. Insurance Certificate

This is generally a document that shows proof of insurance for goods.

It shows the type and limit of coverage as well as the insurers details, policy number and policies’ effective periods.

Insurance certificate

Insurance certificate

Together with a pro-forma invoice, these are the primary documents you will need to be able to ship from China to Indonesia.

So make sure that you file them right and on time to avoid customs clearance issues.

Import Duty and Taxes in Indonesia

Well, in the process of international shipping, determination, and payment of duties and taxes tend to be the most challenging.

Unfortunately, this must be done if you intend to go through with the customs clearance process smoothly.

And also to get your goods to the final destination on time.

I must confess that this process can be quite a hassle.

This is more so if you don’t have your paperwork in order and don’t have a reliable customs broker by your side.

Keeping this mind, if you’re a newbie, it is best to find a reliable and trustworthy customs broker.

The broker will help guide you through the customs clearance process.

He/she will also help you with paperwork filing and even help you calculate and pay the duties and taxes applicable.

With that in mind, what are the import duties and taxes for Indonesia?

Import duties

Import duties – Photo courtesy: PICPEDIA

Before we delve into this, you should understand that all imports into Indonesia are subject to duties and taxes.

Except for free import goods (the ones I told you about earlier in this chapter).

And please, this is not an Indonesian practice only, it is the same in most countries across the world.

Before you can bring a dutiable good into a country, you have to pay importation duty and taxes.

The value of the tariffs may vary from one country to the other, but at least that charge is there.


In Indonesia, import tariff is based on the harmonized commodity description and coding system for commodity imports.

This means that tariff is charged based on the goods classification as per the harmonized system codes.

Note however those goods from ASEAN member states for which both Indonesia and China are members, preferential duty rates are applicable.

So generally, the import tariff in Indonesia ranges from 0 to 170 percent depending on the type of goods.

Most products, however, tend to attract a duty rate of 0 to 15 percent.

Now apart from the standard import tariff, Indonesia also charges an additional sales tax to all goods at the point of entry.

The sales tax is charged at rates within the range of 5 to 30 percent.

Goods that the government considers essential are however exempt from this tax.

Given that China is an ASEAN member state, imports from China to Indonesia only attract a duty charge of about 0 to 5 percent.



This excludes goods that are specified in the exclusion lists.

Note that Indonesia is known to change its import tariffs now and then.

So don’t be surprised if you find the rates have changed from when you last imported.

Just make sure that each time you’re importing, you check with the Customs office on the current duty rates.

This will help you plan yourself well and avoid last minute surprises.

Quality Standards and Regulations in Indonesia

When talking about the quality standards and regulations in Indonesia, we are talking majorly of packaging and safety.

The country imposes these regulations mainly to protect its citizens and economy in general.

So on this, Indonesia’s customs authority require that all import goods identify the importing agents.

It also requires that the information shown on product labels be distinctly written or printed or displayed.

This is so that consumers can easily see and understand them.

It is also required that product labels be written or printed in the Indonesian language, Arabic numbers, and Latin letters.

Other languages, numbers, and letters can only be used when there are no equal terms to what is intended.

The Indonesian authorities also require labeling not to contain any of the following;

  • Claims on the effect of the product on health. This is irrespective of whether the claim is preventative and curative
  • Incorrect or misleading information
  • Comparison with other products
  • Promotion of certain similar products
  • And any additional information that is yet to be approved

That’s it about the imports rules and regulations of Indonesia.

So make sure that you carefully examine and implement them for your imported items.

It will help you enjoy a hassle-free and worry-free shipping and importation from China to Indonesia.

Chapter 2: How to Source and Ship Goods from China to Indonesia (Step by Step Process)

In chapter one, you’ve learned of all the nitty-gritty pertaining the Indonesian customs rules and regulations.

You’ve learned about the product imports and their limitations, applicable tariffs, documentation and quality standards of importing to Indonesia.

With this information, I believe that you can now easily source a product and ship it to Indonesia without much hassle.

In that regard, I will just go directly into sharing a simple step by step process on importing from China to Indonesia.

Most of you think that the process is complicated but trust me it’s not.

If you follow the steps carefully, you will realize that it is more straightforward than it appears to be.

So here we go;

Step 1: Identify a Product

The first step towards the successful sourcing of products in China is to identify the product to import.

In doing this, you need to have an understanding of the different product categories.

There are already existing products or rather off-the-shelf products that you just buy and sell/use as is.

Factories in China continually make them.

Then there are deviations, which are products that borrow an idea from already existing products.

They, however, are then personalized to fit your specifications and requirements.

And last but not least there are the inventions.

This is original idea products.

The importer comes with the product idea from scratch, polishes it and then has the product manufactured.

After you’ve established this fact, locate a suitable product that interests you.

When doing this, you should try to obtain as much information as possible about the demand of the product in Indonesia.

You need to be certain that sourcing your chosen product from China is indeed a cost-effective idea.

Considering things like retail margins, Insurance, duties and taxes, freight and currency differences, etc. can help make a wise decision.

So find a suitable product keeping in mind the rules and regulations on Imports to Indonesia.

You don’t want to import a product that will be denied entry into Indonesia.

That will be a total waste of time and resources.

Step 2: Find a Trustworthy Supplier

The keyword here note is trustworthy.

Understand that there are thousands of suppliers of goods in China.

It can be pretty difficult to single out a perfect one for your needs among the thousands.

So what is the best way to go about this?

Well, first you need to know where to find these suppliers.

Luckily today, you can easily find suppliers on online directories like Alibaba, Global Sources, Made in China, etc.

Chinese suppliers

Chinese suppliers

These directories provide you with details of thousands of suppliers in China and the products they offer.

When using these directories remember to check and verify that the suppliers you’re contacting are reliable and trustworthy.

Other places where you can get suppliers is in trade fairs and exhibitions.

The advantage of this is that you get to meet suppliers face to face as well as see their products first hand.

The idea is to find a supplier that you can trust and rely on.

Step 3: Make Order

Now once you’ve identified a product and found a credible supplier for the same, you can go ahead and place your order.

You can do this personally via online means or make use of a sourcing agent.

You can start by ordering a sample first to ascertain the quality of the product.

Once you do this, you can then proceed to make the actual order.

Sourcing agent in China

Sourcing agent in China

Or, if you’ve established trust with the supplier, you can just go ahead and order for goods at once.

Step 4: Payment

Of course, once you order goods, the supplier will supply you with an invoice containing all the details of the order.

It is with this invoice that you’ll be able to make payment and claim the goods for shipping.

There is one thing to note though.

This is that there are only so many payment options available when sourcing from China.

A common and most preferred choice by larger and more established businesses is a letter of credit.

Make payment

Make payment – Photo courtesy: GNC

The problem with this is that it can be hard to obtain when you’re still a newbie.

Additionally, it may only be available for sums larger than what you have as a small business person.

An alternative to this could be the wire transfer method.

This is quite commonly used among businesspeople importing from China.

In the wire transfer method, you can choose to pay in stages.

Make partial payment 50% when ordering the goods and the other 50% when goods are ready.

Or, agree with your supplier on a payment schedule that’s most convenient to the both of you.

Whichever method you choose for payment, ensure that you keep a reliable and current record of all transactions.

You may need these shortly.

Step 5: Find a Freight Forwarder

Now that you’ve already made an order for goods, it’s time to locate a good freight forwarder to partner with.

The forwarder will help you arrange for the best method of transportation of the goods from China to your destination in Indonesia.

Freight Forwarder

Freight forwarder

He will also help you in warehousing, loading, unloading and customs clearance of goods.

The freight forwarder will help ease for you the shipping process which can be cumbersome at times.

Step 6: Decide on a Port of Departure and Entry

Together with your freight forwarder, you have to decide on the shipping ports from China to Indonesia.

The departure port will have to be the one closest to your supplier depending on which means of transportation you’re using.

The port of entry, on the other hand, will depend on your physical location in Indonesia.

You may only have one or a multiple of choices.

When the shipment arrives at the destination port in Indonesia, you will need to have a bill of lading that you’ll use to claim the goods.

This means that before all this, you need to have processed and filed all the necessary documentation.

Step 7: Customs Clearance

After claiming goods from the carrier, you will now need to clear the goods for entry into Indonesian soil.

For this, you will first have to do an examination and valuation process.

This is where authorities determine the legality and tariff or duty value of your imported goods from China.

The Indonesian customs authority will examine or inspect your goods to ensure that they conform to Indonesia’s import regulations.

Customs clearance

Customs clearance

Some key things that they will check include;

  • The country of origin as declared in the certificate of origin
  • The presence of illegal goods
  • Proper invoicing of goods for tariff valuation
  • The number of goods shipped vies-a-vies the quantity indicated in documents

During this process, customs will determine the total value of your imported goods.

This will be done based on the actual price paid plus other costs, i.e., shipping.

They then establish the percentage tax that applies to the value of your imported goods from China.

You will then pay the tariff amount to customs officials to take possession of the imported goods.

If all goes well, all you need is to wire the funds, or write a check to customs and your goods are considered liquidated.

You can then now take official ownership of your goods and finally transport them to your final destination.

There you have it. A straightforward process that you shouldn’t be worrying over.

I just have one advice though; if you are just starting, it would be best if you start slow.

Begin by going online to find suppliers that you need.

Go ahead and make a small order, go through the supplier’s process ensuring the quality of the products.

Deal with the logistics involved and have the products shipped to you.

In other words, try to make your first order an opportunity to learn the process and ropes of importing from China.

Wait until you’re finally confident of your expertise in handling the process and for your revenue to expand.

When this happens, you can visit all the fairs you want to further your business in importing from China to Indonesia.

For now, let us look at the various ways of shipping goods from China to Indonesia.

Chapter 3: Ocean Freight from China to Indonesia

Majorly, there are two ways of shipping goods from China to Indonesia.

This is through ocean transportation and air transportation.

Let’s start with ocean freight which is the more commonly used means of transportation.

But before I delve deeper into this topic, I would like you to understand that ocean freight is the most convenient means of shipping to Indonesia.

Why am I saying this?

Well, one is because ocean freight is generally cheaper especially when shipping bulky packages.

Two, you can ship anything via ocean shipping no matter the size, value or shape.

You just need to know the best condition to do this.

Ocean freight

Ocean freight

Other benefits of sea shipping are that it is safer to use when shipping hazardous material and it is environmentally friendly.

So if you want to ship bulky cargo, want to save on costs or are simply in no hurry to receive the goods, you can opt for this mode of transportation.

The ports that you will be using include;

Main Seaports from China to Indonesia

Seaports in China are so many.

The main ones however are;

  • Port of Shanghai
  • Port of Tianjin
  • Port of Guangzhou
  • Port of Qingdao
  • Port of Shenzhen
  • Port of Ningbo
  • Port of Dalian
  • Port of Xiamen
  • Port of Lianyungang
  • Port of Yingkou
  • Port of Qingdao
  • Fang Chenggang, and many others.

Sea ports in China

Main Sea Ports in China

When shipping, ensure that you choose a port that is close to your supplier’s warehouse/factory.

This way you won’t have to incur unnecessary inland transportation costs.

Seaports in Indonesia

Indonesia is a vast archipelago with over 10, 000 island stretching from the borders of Malaysia to Papua New Guinea.

The country has a lot of cargo moving in from different parts of the world.

Being the vast archipelago that it is, most of its cargo comes in through the ocean.

This means that Indonesia has very many seaports.

Although not all of them are developed to the state of handling bulk international shipments.

Therefore, we will only look at the main ones that receive cargo from China which are;

· Tanjung Priok Port

The Tanjung Priok port in the capital of Jakarta is the largest and busiest seaport in Indonesia regarding cargo throughput.

It is also the most advanced in the country as it serves as the main hub for transshipments in the region.

Port of Belwan

Port of Belawan

You might be interested to note that this port was the largest and busiest port in Indonesia before the country got independence.

After independence, the ports business fell. And that’s when Priok took over as the largest port in the country.

· Port of Tanjung Perak

The Port of Tanjung Perak ranks among the top three largest and busiest ports of Indonesia.

It is located in Semarang about 5 km from TuguMuda of the city center.

Port of Tanjung Perak

Port of Tanjung Perak

This port serves both as a passenger terminal and an international container terminal.

Due to its strategic location, the port is critical in serving the needs of businesses located in that particular region.

These are the three main seaports of Indonesia.

Others include the port of Tanjung Emas, Kuala Tanjung, and Merak.

China to Indonesia shipping time by the sea

You may have wondered why I am telling you about the shipping ports from China to Indonesia.

Well, the reason is that knowing the ports helps you determine the best route and possible lead time for shipping.

For your information, the shipping time is relative.

It depends on so many factors, among them the distance between the origin port and the port of departure.

Also, keep in mind that transit only factors in the duration within which the shipment is on the sea.

And as I’ve already said, this duration varies immensely.

The time it’ll take to ship goods from Guangzhou to Priok in Indonesia will vary significantly with that from Shenzhen to the same port.

Here is a table showing the estimative transit times from different ports in China to Indonesia.

Port of origin Destination port Transit time
Shenzhen Priok 15.2 days
Guangzhou Belawan 9.7 days
Tianjin Priok 15.2 days
Dalian Belawan 15.6 days
Shanghai Perak 12.4 days

So averagely, shipping from China to Indonesia by sea may take approximately 10 to 16 days.

Container shipping cost from China to Indonesia

The thing about cost is one that we cannot avoid when it comes to international shipping.

Cost is a very significant factor that you’ll have to consider enough times throughout the shipping process.

Now, in sea freight, shipping costs often depend on the type of goods your shipping, their weight, and volume.

The duration of shipping also matters.

And, as I had told you earlier on, shipping by sea is by far the most cost efficient method.

Especially if you’re shipping a large volume of goods.

Types of shipping container

Types of shipping container

The thing about time could be a worry with sea shipping which unfortunately is true.

Sea shipping can be very slow.

But then the slow speed is compensated with cost efficiency and convenience.

So container shipping cost – well, this is the cost of shipping a container of goods from an origin port to destination port in your country.

This cost doesn’t include other costs like inland transportation, insurance, and the likes.

It only comprises of the local charges that you’ll incur both at the origin and destination port plus the carrier fees.

Now in ocean freight, shipping is done in two ways; FCL and LCL (we will discuss more LCL and FCL later on)

FCL shipping is where you’re shipping a full container load of goods.

Here, you will pay very high shipping cost but incur minimal port fees upon arrival at the entry port.

LCL, on the other hand, is where you’re shipping less than container load.

Here, the shipping cost is a little affordable, but then the port fees at destination country are very high.

When shipping FCL, you’ll realize that shipping costs mostly depend on destination.

Shipping distance, the volume of cargo and weight also matter a lot when determining FCL freight costs.

Take this example;

When shipping a 20 GP FCL container from the port of Guangzhou to Priok, you will incur about USD 350 to USD 600 in container shipping costs.

The variance in price is because of the differences in distance and probably the carrier you will be using for shipping.

Now in LCL shipping, things work a little differently.

The shipping rates for LCL shipments as noted earlier tend to be cheaper compared to those of FCL.

For LCL shipments, you can pay as low as USD 30 per cubic meter (cbm) of shipment.

The challenge with LCL shipping, however, is that you may think you’re paying low rates to ship when in a real sense you’re not.


It is because despite paying low freight rates, you will end up paying very high port fees at your destination port in Indonesia.

The port fees alone could triple the LCL shipping costs.

I want you to understand that while this may be a challenging situation, there is nothing much you can do.

The little you can do is with the help of your shipping agent, assess the cost efficiency of either FCL or LCL and choose the best mode for you.

Also, shipping companies tend to take advantage of the naivety of shippers.

When you fail to ask for proper quotations, you will end up with very high shipping costs to bear.

To avoid this, try to use the freight cost calculators which are very common today to estimate probable shipping costs.

Another thing you can do is choose a carrier that is straightforward.

Shipping Companies from China to Indonesia

There are very many shipping companies operating the China to Indonesia route.

Many of these companies are known to provide affordable, efficient and reliable shipping services to shippers.

I must admit that handpicking a single company to work with can prove to be difficult.

Luckily, you can easily choose a suitable company to work with by looking at their reputation and service they provide.

Companies that you can consider in this case include;


The China ocean shipping company is the 4th largest container shipping company in the world.

This is regarding TEU capacity and fleet size.



It is also the largest dry bulk carrier in China and one of the largest operators in the world.

The company has over 1000 ship with a total handling capacity of 1.6 million TEUs.

Being the big company that it is, COSCO calls over 1000 ports in the world.

Note that COSCO is a Chinese brand that was founded 57 years ago.

It has its headquarters in Beijing China.

It also has several other offices across the region.

b) APL

The American president line is a subsidiary of CMA CGM shipping group.

Together with its parent company, APL is the world’s 3rd leader in container transportation and shipping.



The company currently has 150 vessels operating at terminals in ten strategic points around the world, including China.

c) MSC

MSC is a privately owned and managed shipping company from Naples, Italy.

The company was founded in 1970 and has since grown to become the world’s 2nd largest regarding the number of container vessels.



Currently, MSC operates over 450 container vessels with a capacity of 2.4 million TEUs.

It also has over 25,000 employees working in their more than 480 offices worldwide.

The shipping line calls over 200 trade ports in the world including all major ports in Indonesia.

d) ZIM

ZIM ranks among the world’s top 20 container shipping lines.

It is an Israeli brand based in Haifa, Israel and it currently operates over 170 offices in more than 100 countries worldwide.

As a shipping line, ZIM specializes in a container and reefer cargo shipping.



The company also provides logistics services to its clientele.

Other companies include;

  • Wan HaiLines
  • Evergreen marine corp
  • Orient oversea
  • Yan Ming marine transportation
  • Hanging shipping etc.

Note that carrier needs tend to change. So even as you make your choice today, remember that you may not make the same choice next time as your needs may change.

You only choose a carrier that’s suitable for your current shipping needs.

For instance;

If today you’re shipping perishable goods, you will want to work with a company like ZIM that specializes in reefer cargo.

Next time when shipping dry bulk cargo you will opt for COSCO since it has an excellent reputation for dry bulk shipping.

Chapter 4: Air freight from China to Indonesia

We said there are two main ways of shipping from China to Indonesia.

The first one was ocean shipping, and now we look at air shipping.

To begin with, we all know that air is the fastest mode of transportation in the world.

It is also the fastest means of cargo transportation.

In this case, air shipping is the best means to use when looking for speedy cargo delivery and shorter transit times.

But that’s not all.

Air shipping from China to Indonesia is also reliable, safe and well, a bit costly.

The good news though is that there are a good number of airports and airlines that facilitate air transportation from China to Indonesia.

I am going to tell you a bit about air cargo transportation from China to Indonesia.

So let’s begin by looking at the airports.

Main Airports from China to Indonesia

In international air shipping, the success of the process as much as anything else also depends on the airport you chose to use.

You see, most shippers concern themselves with amenities that are found in the cargo craft.

What they fail to understand is that the wrong choice of the airport can also break your entire shipping process.

Cases of cargo delays due to bad weather, improper flight schedules, airport insecurity, poor airport management, etc. can ruin your entire shipping venture.

It is therefore imperative to choose the right airport from China to Indonesia.

That said, here are the main airports that you can ship your goods from China;

Airports in China

Airports in China

  • Beijing Capital International Airport
  • Shanghai Pudong International Airport
  • Chengdu Shuangilu International Airport
  • Hong Kong International Airport
  • Xian Xianyang International Airport
  • Kunming Changshui International Airport
  • Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport
  • Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport
  • Hangzhou Xiao Shan International Airport
  • Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport
  • Qingdao Liuting International Airport
  • Wuhan Tianhe International Airport
  • Haikou Meilan International Airport
  • Tianjin Binhai International Airport
  • Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport
  • Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport
  • Taiyuan Wusu International Airport

These are the ports that you will refer to as origin or departure airports in China.

Now on to the destination airports in Indonesia.

These are the ones you may consider depending on your location in Indonesia;

· Soekarno International Airport

Soekarno international airport is located 20 km west of the capital of Jakarta.

It is the largest airport in Jakarta as well as in Indonesia operating since 1985.

A large number of cargo airlines are serving Jakarta.

Soekarno International Airport

Soekarno International Airport

These include; Cardig air, Cathay Pacific, China Airlines, FedEx express, MASkargo, My Indo airlines, tri MG, Qantas, and Qatar airlines.

Facilities at Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta international airport is equipped with state of the art facilities.

So you can be sure that all your needs when shipping from China to Indonesia will be catered for at this airport.

· NgurahRai International Airport

NgurahRai international airport is the only major airport in Bali.

The airport is often referred to as Denpasar airport although it is not located in Denpasar.

The airport is approximately a 10 – 15 minute (dependent on traffic) drive from Bali’s tourist center of Kuta.

Ngurah Rai International Airport

NgurahRai International Airport

You should note that this airport is the main gateway of Indonesia.

There are more than ten airlines that fly in and out of NgurahRai international airport.

The largest carriers of international cargo are; Cathay Pacific, Xiamen Air, Qatar Airways, Eva Air, Emirates, and China SouthernAirlines.

· Juanda International Airport

The Juanda international airport is the 5th largest and 3rd busiest airport in Indonesia.

The airport is located in Sedati, Sidoarjo about 12 km from Surabaya.

Juanda International Airport

Juanda International Airport

Cargo airlines serving this airport include My Indo airlines, and Republic Express airlines.

Other airports are;

  • Kualanamu international airport
  • Sultan Hasanuddin international airport
  • Adisujipto international airport
  • Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman international airport
  • Hang Nadim international airport
  • Halim Pernadakusuma international airport

China to Indonesia Shipping Time by Air

Now that you know which airports you can use to transport goods from China to Indonesia, it is easier to estimate the shipping time.

As I said, shipping time is not all-inclusive.

It also consists of the time that your packages take to arrive from an airport in China to one in Indonesia.

Luckily, Indonesia is not that far from China, so the shipping time tends to be less by air.

Note that the time it will take to receive your goods from China will also depend on which city you’re shipping from and to.

Garuda Indonesia

Garuda Indonesia

In addition to the total time will also vary depending on how fast customs clearances, inspection among another process take.

So depending on these, the duration it takes to receive your imports from China may vary.

Averagely, however, shipping from China to Indonesia by air take 1-3 days.

 Cheapest Air freight from China to Indonesia

As I mentioned earlier, the cost of international shipping is a very import factor to consider.

And as you anticipate, air freight is not as cheap as many imagine.

It is quite costly.

As such, it is understandable that many of you will be looking for the cheapest air freight from China to Indonesia.

Unfortunately, there isn’t exactly a ‘cheap air freight.’

Like sea freight, air freight rates are also based on so many factors.

Among these factors is the type of shipment, shipping distance, the weight of goods among many other things.

The excellent news nonetheless is that you have options depending on your shipping needs.

You see, there are two types of air shipping services.

There is the standard air freight, and then there is an express shipping service.

The standard air freight service takes a maximum of 3 days to deliver goods to Indonesia.

Express shipping deliveries can be done overnight or in a day at most.


Considering the cost of shipping, standard air shipping tends to be cheaper than express shipping.

But only if you’re shipping cargo with loads of weight.

Express shipping, on the other hand, is costly.

It is only viable for shipping small and high-value items like documents and jewelry.

Generally, for small shipments weighing 150kg and below, shipping via express means is cheaper.

For this, most courier services from China to Indonesia will charge no more than $5 per kg shipped.

Most courier services won’t charge you more than USD 5 per kg shipped.

The only limitation with express shipping is that you have to have an account with them to be able to enjoy affordable pricing.

Otherwise, they tend to charge non-account holders exorbitantly.

Express couriers like FedEx, DHL, and UPS require member registration to be able to enjoy discounts and coupons.

About standard shipping; it is best to use if you’re shipping cargo weighing between 150kg to 500 kg.

It will be cheaper for you to ship such cargo weight by air as you won’t spend more than USD 3 per kg shipped.

If you’re shipping cargo weighing more than 500kg, it’ll be better if you consider ocean shipping, it’ll be cheaper.

Unless you need the goods delivered urgently.

Note that for lighter shipments, those weighing less than 150 Kg, freight costs will be determined based on their dimensional weight.

Cathay Pacific Cargo

Figure 33 Cathay Pacific Cargo

You see, air freight costs are calculated in two ways; based on the actual weight and in other cases on dimensional weight.

In the latter’s case, the freight costs tend to be expensive. So if you must ship goods less than 150 kg, consider express shipping.

Understand also that air freight costs vary significantly from one carrier to another.

They also tend to change regularly.

Therefore, it is best to make a cost comparison for three or more companies before settling on any particular one.

Some airlines that you can consider when shipping from China to Indonesia include;

  • MAS cargo
  • Cathay Pacific
  • Tri MG
  • Qatar Airways
  • My Indo airlines
  • China cargo airlines
  • Xiamen Air
  • Qantas

For express shipping, there is;

  • FedEx
  • UPS
  • DHL
  • EMS
  • NEX

Chapter 5: Modes of shipping from China to Indonesia

When shipping from China to Indonesia, there are several options of shipping to choose from.

There are FCL and LCL, reefer, door to door, OOG, drop shipping and Ro-Ro shipping options.

You choice mode of shipping will depend on several factors.

These factors include the type of goods you want to ship, your budget, urgency, and safety.

You need to choose a suitable shipping mode based on those factors.

Allow me to explain a bit about these modes so that you can know when to use them.

And as promised let us begin with LCL and FCL.

LCL Shipping from China to Indonesia

LCL stands for ‘less than container load.’

As the names suggest, it refers to cargo that is not enough to fill a standard 20” or 40” container.

This means that if you don’t have enough goods to fill up a container, you can still ship to Indonesia as LCL.

How do you this?

Well, something you should know is that ocean carriers only ship FCL.

LCL vs. FCL Shipping

LCL vs. FCL Shipping

Here, you can either buy the entire shipping space and ship a partially filled container as FCL.

Or, ship LCL where you get to consolidate your cargo with that of other shippers shipping your direction.

In the latter’s case, your goods and that of other shippers will be loaded onto one container that will ship them to Indonesia.

You can’t do the consolidation by yourself; you will have to find a consolidator to do this.

Finding a consolidator is very easy. Your shipping agent can even help you find one.

The good thing with LCL shipping is that you get to ship goods however little.

The disadvantage is that it gives more work to your shipping agent.

The agent will have to find a consolidator and oversee the consolidation process in its entirety.

When the consignment gest to Indonesia, it will need to be broken down so that each package goes to the rightful owner – this separation process is also cumbersome.

Another bad thing about LCL shipping is that it doesn’t guarantee the safety of your goods.

It is very easy for your cargo to get lost, damaged or stolen during the consolidation and separation process.

Also, tracking an LCL shipment is pretty hard since it is only a part of many shipments in one container.

Besides, consolidation means that several shippers pack goods into one container.

If one shipper’s items are not availed for loading on time, then delays in delivery become inevitable.

Also if someone else’s shipment arrives with problems, i.e., damaged or lost, it may cause your shipment to delay.

So if you don’t think LCL is the right shipping mode for you, try FCL.

FCL Shipping from China to Indonesia

FCL refers to ‘full container load’ where a shipment volume is enough to fill up a standard 20” or 40” container.

Please note this with great importance:

FCL does not only refer to shipment that is enough to fill up a full container.

You don’t need to fill up a whole shipping container to ship FCL.

You can still ship lesser volume of goods as FCL as long you can purchase the remaining container space.

FCL Shipping

FCL Shipping

The point is that to book FCL shipping; you have to pay for the entire shipping space regardless of the size of your cargo.

I hope that is clear.

So why book FCL shipping?

Well first, you should ship FCL is the volume of your goods is large enough to fill a standard shipping container.

Also, in FCL shipping deliveries tend to be quicker than in LCL.

Besides, FCL shipping is also safer as only your goods are shipped in a single container which reduces the chances of damage or loss.

Reefer Shipping from China to Indonesia

When you’re shipping perishables or any other type of cargo that requires special conditions, you should opt for reefer shipping.

Specials conditions, in this case, include temperature control, special ventilation, or protection from extreme temperatures.

Reefer shipping mode generally is an excellent option when shipping cargo that requires special maintenance.

Reefer Container

Reefer Container

Such goods could be meat products, fish, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, medicines, and chemicals.

OOG Shipping from China to Indonesia

OOG stands for out of gauge.

In the freight industry, OOG is used to refer to goods that are oversize or abnormal in shape.

They thus can’t be shipped using the standard shipping container.

OOG Shipping

OOG Shipping

OOG goods include heavy plant machinery, agricultural equipment, and helicopters.

These are shipped using specially design vessels that can withstand their weight, size, and shape.

Ro-Ro Shipping from China to Indonesia

Ro-Ro shipping is another option that you can consider to ship goods from China to Indonesia.

The term Ro-Ro is full for roll on/roll off and is used to refer to wheeled cargo like tractors, cars, trucks, assembled forklifts,etc.

RORO Shipping

RORO Shipping

Such type of cargo is shipped on RoRo vessels where they just drove on and off the ship on their wheels.

Due to this, the wheeled cargo has to be in good working condition at the time of shipping.

Note that while you can still ship wheeled cargo using standard shipping container, Ro-Ro shipping is cheaper.

Also note that with Ro-Ro, you can’t ship personal belongings alongside the vehicle.

You can, however, ship spare parts and accessories with it.

So basically, Ro-Ro shipping is suitable if you need to ship a vehicle faster, and cheaply.

Just remember that the vehicle must be working condition for you to ship it via Ro-Ro means.

Drop Shipping from China to Indonesia

Are you an internet retailer looking to expand your offerings without any additional outlay for inventory?

Well then, drop shipping could work best for you.

Drop shipping

Drop shipping – Photo courtesy: Planet Fulfillment

Drop shipping mode is where you build a strong business relationship with suppliers.

From this relationship, you can order goods in quantities of a little as one item at a time.

You then supply the supplier with specific addresses for each order you make.

The supplier will ship the orders as per your instructions to each of those addresses.

This means that you won’t get to have any physical contact with the goods.

This is because the goods are shipped directly from the supplier to your customers.

It also means that you can offer the entire line of products of one or more suppliers to customers.

This you can do without ever investing a penny in additional inventory.

So instead of being able to offer only a limited line of bestselling items, you can now offer many more items.

There are no holding costs here. You only advertise what the supplier has and let customers make an order.

Once they do, you then order the goods directly from the wholesaler and have it shipped directly to customers.

Door to Door Shipping from China to Indonesia

Now, door to door shipping is an excellent solution for importing goods from China to Indonesia.

It is especially excellent for shippers who have no time for physical indulgence into the importation process.

Door to door shipping

Door to door shipping – Photo courtesy: INDO GLOBE SERVICE

How do I mean?

Well, door to door shipping is exactly what it sounds like.

You identify a product and make an order.

You find a shipping agent who will pick up the goods from the supplier and ensure their delivery to your chosen destination.

You don’t have to do much here except for identifying the goods, making the order and hiring the freight forwarder.

Once you do this, other responsibilities fall on the freight forwarder.

He/she will have to ensure the safe and smooth shipping of the goods from China to your destination in Indonesia.

Note that forwarder takes care of everything in this shipping process.

This includes paperwork, inland transportation, loading and offloading, customs clearance and warehousing.

You will only assume the responsibility of goods once they get to your final destination.

Many of you may be skeptical about leaving all responsibilities to your shipping agent, but here is the truth;

Door to door shipping services as genuine as they sound.

Shipping companies work hard to ensure that they provide this service to the best of their abilities.

Besides, shipping door to door offers many benefits.

Among them are cost and time savings, as well as easily tracking of shipments.

It also helps you to void the use of intermediaries who tend to complicate things sometimes.

Express Shipping from China to Indonesia

Express shipping as I had already mentioned is an alternative to standard air shipping.

It is a service provided by courier companies to enable you to ship smaller items faster and more efficiently than standard air freight.

3D imagery, 737 MAX, MAX, 737 MAX 7, 737 MAX8, 737 MAX 9


So if you want to ship essential documents and high-value goods like jewelry urgently, you can book express shipping.

Chapter 6: FAQs on shipping from China to Indonesia

At this point, I can only imagine the many questions you still have regarding shipping from China to Indonesia.

Well, don’t worry as I am going to answer some of the most common questions you may have.

I know you could be having some questions about shipping from China to Germany.

If at the end of this read you feel that there are still questions I have not answered, you can ask them in the comments section.

I will be glad to answer them in more detail.

In the meantime, let’s get straight to answering some of the FAQs about shipping from China to Indonesia.

1. How can I track cargo that is in transit?

Well, it simple.

Most shipping companies today provide a mechanism through which shippers can track the progress of their cargo during shipping.

All you have to do is take note of your bill of lading/airway bill number which you’ll use to track the shipment.

With the number, you simply key it in the tracking platform together with the carrier’s name.

With this, you can easily track the shipment from the departure port in China to your destination in Indonesia.

2. Where do I get the bill of lading number?

The number is right on the bill of lading document issued to you by your carrier.

The number is often on the top right of the bill of lading document.

You can also use the container number to track the shipment.

3. What is the best way to package fragile goods for shipping?

Fragile goods like glass or ceramics require careful packaging.

You can use bubble wraps for internal packaging to keep the goods safe from friction and damage.

For the outsides, you can use a double corrugated cardboard box or triple corrugated one.

This will depend on the level of fragility of the items.

4. What is landed cost?

Landed cost is the overall cost of cargo once it reaches the final destination.

5. What makes up the overall landed cost of a shipment?

Landed cost will cover;

  • The unit price of goods
  • Transportation fees both inland and freight costs
  • Duties and taxes
  • Handling Fees
  • Agent Fees
  • Distribution Fees

These will make up the total landed cost of an imported item.

6. What causes delivery delays when importing from China to Indonesia?

Depending on the means of transportation you’re using, several factors could cause deliveries.

Among them are manufacturer delays, holidays especially the Chinese New Year which runs for weeks.

Port congestion, bad weather, routing changes, and political unrest, are also among the things that can cause delays.

In other cases, a lack of properly file import documentation can lead to delays in customs clearance process.

This will ultimately result in your goods getting stuck at customs thus delaying delivery.

7. How can I avoid my goods getting stuck at customs?

First and foremost, you should get an importer identification number.

Then, makes sure that all your paperwork is to avoid customs delays.

Make sure that you have the following documents;

  • Pro-forma invoice
  • Packing list
  • Commercial invoice
  • Bill of lading/airway bill
  • Certificate of origin
  • Insurance certificate.

Also, make sure that you adhere to the Indonesian customs import rules and regulations.

This will help you avoid trouble with customs that could lead to goods getting stuck at the port.

8. What is about the Chinese New Year?

Well, the Chinese New year is just an extraordinary time of the Chinese calendar.

During this time, business close for close to a month in China.

The holiday is often characterized by skyrocketing freight costs, manufacturing delays, products quality issues, etc.

In a nutshell, it is just bizarre trying to import anything from China during this time.

So it is best that you plan early and get your shipments out of China before the holidays begin.

It will help you a lot in avoiding the inconveniences the holiday causes.

9. Where can I drop ship products from China to Indonesia?

The best places to source products for drop shipping are on online marketplaces.

Alibaba, Taobao, Aliexpress, and eBay are excellent sources for this.

10. How can I verify the quality of goods when drop shipping?

To ensure that you’re offering quality products to customers you have to ensure that you’re working with a reliable supplier.

That is the only way that you ascertain the quality your customers receive.

11. How do I get cargo insurance when shipping from China to Indonesia?

You can get an insurance broker to help you get coverage for your goods.

Or, you can make use of your freight forwarder for the same.

Forwarders like JMS often have this as a service.

Plus, they have great connections with insurance companies thus can get you a good deal.

12. What are the risks associated with shipping from China to Indonesia?

The common risks are damage, theft, and loss of goods.

Luckily you can ensure your goods against any of these risks so that you get compensation in case the inevitable happens.

13. Which is the cheapest method for shipping from China to Indonesia?

The term ‘cheap’ here is relative.

A lot of things come into play when determining the cheapest methods to ship from China.

Distance, type of goods, the urgency of delivery, the value of goods, and the amount of goods all matter.

Air freight, for instance, best ships urgent and smaller volume goods.

Sea freight best ships bulky cargo.

So generally it depends on what your shipping is at the moment.

I hope that I have been able to answer most of your questions.

Now, I am going to recommend reliable and trustworthy freight forwarder from China to Indonesia.

Read below to find out which one.

Chapter 7: JMS your Trusted Freight Forwarder from China to Indonesia

You see, whether you’ve done this before or not, the success or failure of a shipping process relies on how best you handle the process.



And as you can imagine, the process is not an easy one.

You’ll have to identify the right product, find a trustworthy supplier, source the product, get a carrier and then organize transportation.

You’ll also need to satisfy all international logistical processes to be able to ship successfully from China to Indonesia.

Well, all this can prove to be daunting and worse if you have zero experience in the same.

The best thing would be to find the right shipping agent to help you.

And who better than JMS?

Why am I saying this? Well, for starters, JMS China is a reliable and credible shipping company in China.

We offer a full range of world-class options in freight services from China to Indonesia.

These include;

  • Sea freight shipping
  • Ocean freight shipping
  • Door to door shipping
  • FCL, LCL, reefer, OOG, shipping options
  • Warehousing and distribution
  • Pickup and delivery
  • Cargo insurance
  • custom clearance

Apart from our wide range of services, here are more reasons for choosing JMS as your trusted shipping partner.

· Experience

JMS has unbeatable expertise in the shipping and logistics business.

We are counting over ten years of active presence in the industry.

With this, we assure you that we have the knowledge, experience, and connections necessary for ensuring smooth shipping of your cargo from China to Indonesia.

· Wide Network/Connections

The long presence in the industry has enabled us to establish close links with major players in the industry.

These include carriers and customs brokers in every location in China and Indonesia

With this, we assure you that we’re able to move any form of cargo from any city in China to any city in Indonesia.

Note that we’re not only able to do this with efficiency but also at an affordable cost.

And all this is thanks to our connections that give us discounted prices which we transfer to you through affordable shipping packages.

· Professionalism

Our services and staff are very professional.

Our staff, in particular, are highly trained in all logistical elements of cargo importation.

They work with great coordination to ensure the safe packing, loading, and shipping of your cargo from China to the chosen destination.

Generally, choosing to work with JMS should guarantee you of reliable, affordable and safe shipping services from China to Indonesia.

So call or email us anytime you feel you need the services of a reliable and professional freight forwarder.


Well, at this point I believe that you have the information that you need to ship from China to Indonesia successfully.

As you can see, shipping to Indonesia can be very straightforward and easy.

You just need to plan and follow the rules and regulations of importation.

So happy shipping and remember to share with us your thoughts and comments in the comment section.

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