Shipping from China to Malaysia

JMS offer the best solution for all kinds of shipping goods from China to Malaysia based on customer’s request, we provide the most competitive shipping rates. JMS team has rich experiences to operate the shipping goods from any port in China to Malaysia.

Whether you’re shipping from Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Shunde, Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen or any other cities in China, JMS can always provide you with the cheapest shipping price.

Let JMS handle your next shipment, we will ship your goods to your warehouse or door with the shortest delivery time. JMS will be your best and reliable freight forwarder from China to Malaysia.

JMS provides good service and competitive ocean freight for the dry container and OOG(out of gauge) goods.
JMS offers competitive air freight from China airport to Malaysia based on the BSA(blocked space agreement) price with airlines company.
JMS provide door to door shipping service from any city in China to Malaysia even you are personal.

FCL Shipping from China to Malaysia

JMS cooperates with many shipping line companies and provides good ocean freight, such as OOCl, KMTC, MCC, SITC, CNC, ZIM, WHL.

LCL Shipping from China to Malaysia

JMS offers stable shipping service from the major ports in China to Malaysia seaport and charges reasonable destination fee for LCL shipment.

Additional services for shipping from China to Malaysia

Any city your goods, JMS can pick them up safely
We provide free warehousing services for your goods before shipment.
Cargo insurance protects your goods all the way to Malaysia
We can clear customs in Malaysia within one day if needed.

Your Best Freight Forwarder from China to Malaysia

  • Offer the competitive shipping freight from any seaport and airport in China
  • Charge the reasonable local fee to shipper under the FOB term, avoid the complaint from Shipper
  • Provide Form E certificate
  • Enough space even in the peak season from shipping line companies
  • Professional for product classification
  • Pick up goods in any city in China under the EXW trade terms

How Long Shipping from China to Malaysia by Sea

Port of Loading Port of Arrive Transmit Time
Shanghai Port klang 10
Shenzhen Port klang 4
Ningbo Port klang 7
Qingdao Port klang 15
Tianjin Port klang 14
Xiamen Port klang 7

Shipping from China to Malaysia: The Only Guide You Need to Read

Are you searching for the brief guide for shipping from China to Malaysia?

No worries! Stop searching.

Go through this guide, if you’re unaware of the shipping from China.

This content helps you to cover all the things you need to know when shipping from China to Malaysia.

All shipping methods, customs regulations, Documents you need for shipping etc.

If you decide shipping products from China, be confident and read this useful guide

1. Ways of Shipping from China to Malaysia

Ways of Shipping

There’snot only one-way sea freight to transfer your products from China to Malaysia

You have different options to transfer your goods, but which service is better will depends on the nature of products.

Another thing matters a lot, how much time you have for the shipping of your goods.

If you are in hurry or have to transport fresh products than go for air freight service.

And if you’ve plenty of time, you can use slow but secure shipping service ocean freight package.

You can check the best service features with JMS experience like on-time delivery, and safe transport without the tension of customs clearance.


Don’t be confused have a most comfortable service

  • Air Freight Shipping from China to Malaysia
  • Sea Freight from China to Malaysia
  • Express Shipping from China to Malaysia

1.1 Air Freight Shipping from China to Malaysia



If you need to import your products within no time then JMS China has the solution for you.

Air freight shipping is the instant way to transport your products.

If you want to get your consignment within your estimated time frame go for air cargo service.

Before choosing this service you must know about the shipping process, China & Malaysian Airports.

If you want to learn how to ship from china to Malaysia then keep reading this article.

Have a look!


· Main Airports in China

China is the country of industries, manufacturers located in different areas of China.

You are not restricted to use of the specific airport, you can transfer your goods by using your nearest options.

  1. Capital International Airport in Beijing
  2. Guangzhou international Airport. Guangzhou
  3. Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Shanghai
  4. Shanghai Hongqiao international Airport, Shanghai
  5. Nanjing Lukou International Airport, Nanjing
  6. Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport Henan
  7. Changsha Huanghua International Airport Henan, Changsha

Hope you will find Air freight service is most efficient service to transfer your products.

If you find any query then don’t worry and read Air freight from China Guide

· Main Airports in Malaysia

Malaysia has six international airports to interact with other countries for shipping freight.

16 airports established for domestic use.

  1. Kuala Lumpur International Airport
  2. Langkawi International Airport
  3. Kuching International airport
  4. Penang International Airport
  5. Kota Kinabalu International Airport
  6. Senai International Airport

Malaysia Airports

Malaysia Airports

You can check International airports with red indication.

Green sign present Domestic airports

Air Freight Terminology


Understanding of Incoterms used in air freight service is very important.

It’s quite difficult to complete the process of shipping from China if you don’t understand the incoterms used in the air freight cargo.

Read about some important terms and their use in cargo service.


Air Way Bill is a document allotted by the carrier, indicating the acceptance of agent to move consignment to the airport according to specific rules and regulations.


The term stands for International Air Transport Association, helps to track activities of Airline.

Your consignment is secure by IATA, This association implements policies of the World’s trading airline.

ETD- Estimated Time of Departure

If you want to track your cargo you must have knowledge about Estimated Time of Departure.

ATD- Actual Time of Departure

Actual time of departure means after clearance and legal formalities when consignment exactly leaves the loading airport.

ATA- Actual Time of Arrival

An idea when flight arrive at the destination airport include all documents verification and customs clearance
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival

An approximate idea of arrival time without considering any factor.

ETT-Estimated Transit Time

This term provides the average transit time to ship your cargo but this’s not guaranteed just an estimation.


Air cargo container is same like sea container.

If you want to transfer the weight and volume above the specified limit then your agent regulate the acceptable maximum limit of weight in the presence of airport handling equipment situations.

Dangerous Goods

All the products must be approved by the IATA before shipping.

IATA categorized commodities according to its nature and properties in the way of threat.

So be aware of the selection of products.

Dimensional Weight

The weight which is billable or chargeable.

Agent or the carrier charge for dimensional weight and according to the actual gross weight.

Factors Affecting Air Freight from China to Malaysia

Shipping of products from China is not a big deal but different factors can influence the transit time of freight.

Some of the main factors are given below which affects the transportation process.

  1. Updating trade policies
  2. Any type of strike or war can affect air freight service
  3. Chinese National Holidays
  4. Market trend and demand
  5. The economic value of the country
  6. Compete for the other modes of transport.

Types of Air Cargo

1. General products

All the products like toys, jewelry, glass items, watches and high price delicate things.

All the electronic equipment and machinery shipped carefully by air freight service without any depreciation.

Keep one thing in your mind the shipping cost of air freight is always more than sea freight but air cargo is the fastest and secure service.

2. Special products

Do you ever think how animals transfer from one place to other?

Living animals and plants which need a proper temperature, oxygen, and water shipped by the cold chain transportation.

All the things inspected before shipped, any type of hazardous goods are treated separately under some IATA dangerous conditions.

Chemicals and weapons are more dangerous than any other product, transferred after the authorizing process.

Some of the products must be analyzed before shipping like:

  • Chemical products
  • Weapons
  • The motor inside the machinery
  • Products with magnet
  • Oily products
  • Audio equipment
  • Liquid products

All the things allowed to transfer need to follow international Rules and regulations.

1.2 Sea Freight from China to Malaysia

If you want to transfer your products from China to Malaysia in the low budget then sea freight is not a bad option.

There’s no restriction on the types of products but flexible service offered by the shipping company.

The person who deals with vast business and requires bulk products should use sea freight service.

Heavy items like agricultural machines, construction machinery, and coal are also shipped by ocean freight service.

Do you know some main ports of China handled 100 million tons of weight in a year?

Hundreds of ports are constantly working to transfer products from China to different countries, but some of the ports are most busy.

An interesting information you need to know the world’s high rank 50 container ports are located in China.

  1. Port of Shanghai
  2. Port of Shenzhen
  3. Port of Ningbo
  4. Port of Qingdao
  5. Port of Guangzhou
  6. Port of Tianjin
  7. Port of Dalian
  8. Port of Xiamen

Choose the most convenient port to ship your cargo and prefer with shortest distance port.

  1. Bakapit
  2. Tawau
  3. Kuala Lumpur
  4. George Town
  5. Penang
  6. Malacca

Factors Affecting Sea freight from China to Malaysia

If you think the cycle of shipping products will complete without any fluctuation then you are wrong.

The cycle may be delayed or postponed by some natural and unnatural factors.

Delays Due to Climatic Conditions

During Sea freight, you must prepare for an unexpected delay.

It may occur due to stormy weather, or heavy rain, all scheduled activities may be disturbed in 2 ways:

  1. The first condition is when the ship stuck on the port and fail to leave the seaport due to the poor condition of the weather.
  2. The second condition, during the journey of heavy rainfall and storm.

Overcrowding on Port

Visit any port just before Chinese New Year and check troop of Christmas sales

Most of the containers get stuck on the port due to congestion.

Different factors affect in a different way on the shipping speed of cargo.

Custom Inspection

All the things you have to ship from China is checked under the authority at the time of departure and also at the time of destination.

Only inspected things allowed to receive on destination port according to the import & export policies and Risk Management system.

One thing you must keep in mind you should keep your documents with you to avoid any convenience.

Delays Due to Incomplete Documentation

Most common reason for shipping delays is doubted documents or missing papers.

This makes your whole consignment cancel.

Be careful about HS code because some manufacturers claimed wrong code or maybe a typing error.

Change of Economic Condition

Variation in money value or global trade affects the ocean freight.

As the economy level reduces, the speed of trade activities also reduced gradually.

Especially when the rate of dollar decrease companies receive low payments and this is the main reason of downfall in shipping service.

Chinese Holidays

National events in China is celebrated with great passion like Independence Day and Chinese New Year.

Public holiday announced on the public holiday.

Every work goes for celebrating the event.

In this way sea freight service disrupts.

 Express Shipping from China to Malaysia

Do you know air freight service is the fastest service to transfer your products?

And I think you also don’t know what express freight service is.

Express freight service is most demanding service, this doesn’t mean in express freight service plane moved fast but less documentation and formalities.

2. Modes of Shipping from China to Malaysia


Selection of right mode of transport isn’t an easy task but its quite tricky.

Do you want to keep your cost down?

And also want to move your cargo rapidly?

Yes this’s not impossible to balance with above two aspects

Just decide how much money you have to spend on your shipping of goods.

Another aspect is very important is your cargo reach on destination timely?

2.1 The door to Door Shipping from China to Malaysia


The door to Door service seems like knock and deliver.

JMS provides the most convenient service of door to door shipping from China to Malaysia.

The way you can transfer your products from the industry to the loading port.

Best feature is all documentation is the responsibility of the agent of freight forwarder.

And you don’t worry about the safety of your products.

After arriving in Malaysia your cargo will be delivered to your door.

If you want to get tension free service then choose the door to door cargo service but you have to pay some additional charges.

But little bit extra money make your shipping process easier.

2.1.1 LCL Shipping with Door to Door service from China to Malaysia

If you want cost-effective service of shipping to choose LCL (Less than Container Load) door to door service

Freight forwarder provides the best deal, full container load is quite an expensive service.

Different cargos can be shipped within one container at the same time.

Different products you can ship from China to Malaysia by this mode

General Products shipping by Door to Door

  1. Clothing items, handbags, hardware products, computer tools and accessories like power cables, power cables, and mobile accessories.
  2. Electronics like fans, game players, kettles, CD players and CD writers.

Special Products shipping products

  1. Dry fruits and food items
  2. Mobile phones/ Android, Apple (original)
  3. Tablet PC and battery
  4. Body lotion, Hair shampoo, and perfumes, Bodyspray
  5. Make-up products

2.2 The door to Door Sea shipping from Guangzhou to Malaysia

You can transfer your products from Guangzhou to Malaysia approximately take 7 to 10 days.

Another thing is important you can transfer a minimum 1CBM quantity.

Payment method you can use Western Union and Money Gram Service.

If you choose best Freight Forwarder than you can collect different products from different suppliers.

Your products have no more risk due to insurance.

Freight forwarder deals with all documentation and customs clearance issues.

All the products inspected before leaving the departure port and securely arrived at the destination port.

2.3 OOG Shipping from China to Malaysia

If your cargo is exceeding the limit of cargo, then don’t worry use the out of gauge shipping service and manage products which cannot fit in the specific container.

Different OOG shipment choices available but depends on the nature of your products.

Specific types of containers used for OOG services

  • Flat Rack Containers
  • Platform Containers
  • Open Top Containers

Heavy load machinery & equipment can be shipped by Platform container.

Weight may exceed to 43 tons for 40 feet platform.

Small parts of machinery like unassembled manufacturing apparatus chunks shipped by flat rack containers.

Products like long pipes and rods which exceeds the maximum limit can be shipped by open top containers.

2.3 LCL shipping


LCL Shipping from China to Malaysia

LCL-Less Than Container Load Shared by different clients.

Small weight of different customers within one container is the cost-effective option.

Ship of the container doesn’t allow to move until the container is not full.

The loaded container has to reach on the same destination spot, in this way all the customers share the total cost.

That means if you have a low budget using this service without tension.

But this is a time-consuming activity.

Loading time is long and after arrival on destination, enough time required to unpack different packages and deliver to the owners.

Keep one thing in consideration

Take care of your products on loading and unloading time to avoid destruction.

Separate the chemically hazardous products to save other packs in the container.

When you want to ship small products in low budget, this is the reasonable option to click.

Mark every package before loading to avoid hustle bustle to identify the package.

2.4 FCL Shipping from China to Malaysia


If you want to transfer weighty products from China to Malaysia then,use FCL (Full Container Load) manage your complete consignment in one container.

You can save your time with FCL as compare to LCL service.

But FCL is quite expensive because in this case cost is not divided by all customers.

Which is the best Option from FCL and LCL?

  • Less than Container Load measures weight per Cubic meter, so this is expensive as compare to FCL.
  • LCL is a time-consuming process, not recommended for urgent delivery.
  • Lot of issues during Customs Clearance Process.
  • Risk of depreciation is very high in LCL shipping process.
  • FCL is not recommended if you don’t have to weight more than 15 cubic meters.
  • FCL is a cost-effective option if you want to transfer the high volume of products.
  • If you choose FCL you must be issued with Bill of Lading directly in other case bills of lading is the responsibility of freight forwarder.

3. How to Choose Freight Forwarder from China to Malaysia

When you decide to Import your goods, you must think about the suitable option to make your import process successful.


Is supplier manager better or freight forwarder?
No idea??

Supplier manager and freight forwarder makes a great difference in provision of their services.

I just present you a short scene, when you select supplier manager you will be provided with below services

  1. Booking of the shipment
  2. The process of customs clearance

You don’t know supplier belongs to which company, and even unaware of the actual cost.

In fact, you are going to get deceived by suppliers some time, they often add some extra money and taxes on the shipping charges.

Now check the reliable option:

Freight forwards are not strange people connected with the international network like JMS China provides the variety of services, including FCL and LCL.

A freight forwarder makes a person responsible that keeps you informed at every step and answer all the relevant queries.

4. How much does it Cost to Ship from China to Malaysia

China is the largest manufacturer and famous to import a lot of products from China to different countries.

Heavy amount of goods shipped from China to Malaysia by air freight service, Sea freight service or Express shipping Service.

Air freight service is quite expensive, people like to ship their products by sea freight services.

Cost of shipping process depends on the mode of transport you may choose.


Freight forwarder estimates the shipping cost from China to Malaysia.

All the things included estimating total cost are Container fee, loading and unloading charges and customs clearance process expense.

4.1 Duty & Taxes When Shipping from China to Malaysia

All the things included estimating total cost are Container fee, loading and unloading charges and customs clearance process expense.

Your method of shipping is private of the commercial when you import weight from China to Malaysia, the country uses CIF evaluation method to verify.

Hope you don’t know CIF-stands for Cost Insurance and Freight.

If you want to calculate the overall shipping cost then keep reading

Sum up shipping values, cost of freight and insurance but some of the calculation subjected to weight and volume.

4.2 Duty Rates in Malaysia

By sum up shipping values, cost of freight and insurance but some of the calculation subjected to weight and volume.

Some of the specific products not subjected to charge duty tax like laptops and electric guitars.

4.3 Sales Tax in Malaysia

Against all things import from different countries, you have to pay sales tax.

Value added tax is mandatory for all shipped freight, the Standard value in Malaysia is 10%.

Tax applied according to the nature of the products like tax subjected as per liter or per KG.

Some products reduce the ratio of VAT approximately 0% to 5%.

4.4 Minimum thresholds in Malaysia

If you find the CIF value of your import is less than 500, you don’t need to pay duty tax.

Charges applied to the tobacco and alcohol according to the quantity.

5. Transit Time of Shipping from China port to Malaysia port

Hope you don’t know about transit time, don’t worry, the approximate time to transfer the goods from loading port to the destination port.

As I already said this is an approximation not hard and fast time it may be deviated according to the circumstances.

Different factors affect the transit time like weather conditions, direct or indirect route and freight forwarder service.

5.1 Sea Freight Transit time of Shipping from China to Malaysia

Port of Shenzhen to Kuala Kedah

Port of Shenzhen to Kuala

Estimated distance between Port of Shenzhen to Kuala Malaysia is 2294 nm and total days require to transfer the products are 9.

But keep one thing in your mind this is the estimated transit time, it can be changed by affecting some factors.

Port of Shenzhen to Mersing Port

If you want to transfer your products by this route, you have to cover the distance 1751 nautical miles.

Port of shen to mersing port

Approximate days at sea are 7.3

You know there are different Sea ports in Malaysia and China you can calculate approximate transit time by ports website.

5.2 Air Freight Transit Time of Shipping from China to Malaysia

Now shipping of products is not a difficult task even you can track your cargo visually with the help of Google maps.

You can calculate transit time for international freight service

5.Malaysia Import Regulations


Main Imports from China to Malaysia

You must think 100 times before deciding what to ship from China and why to ship.

No doubt, you have some business plan and definitely, you are trying to ship those products which are not available in Malaysia

Things which have the maximum percentage of purchase from China are given.

Have a look:

  1. Electronic equipment and heavy agricultural machines.
  2. Fuels and oil products
  3. Computer and laptops with accessories
  4. Ores, ash, and slag
  5. Medical apparatus & optical instruments
  6. Plastic- toys, furniture, and other products
  7. Organic Chemicals
  8. Copper products and raw material
  9. Oilseeds

These products captured maximum dollars in China.

After verifying the availability of products in China, the shipping process is a cup of tea by a good freight forwarder.

6.1 Malaysia Restricted Items

Every country gave some rules and regulations and according to them, some products are strictly restricted to enter in the country.

Some of the prohibited items listed below keep reading:

  • Knives, blades and all sharp things
  • Syringes or all the things like syringes
  • Poisonous Chemicals
  • Duplicates of Verses of Quran is strictly prohibited.
  • Radio receivers with specific ranges like (68-67) MHz and (108-174)MHz are not allowed
  • Anything against the peace of Malaysia
  • Sodium Arsenate and some kinds of liquor strictly prohibited.

You are not recommended to buy top 10 things to import from China to Malaysia, the main thing is to decide suitable products according to the import policies of China and Malaysia.

6.2 Tobacco Shipping In Malaysia

You know some goods are restricted due to some specific regulations, don’t think its impossible to ship those products.

Keep nature of products in your mind, and always try to follow the policies of different countries.

6.3 License to import Tobacco

If you want to ship tobacco you need to apply for the license with some recommended documents.

Three types of forms available:

  1. Lampiran A – White or Clove Cigarettes
  2. Lampiran A1- Tobacco, Beedies, Snuff and Cigar
  3. Lampiran A2 – Liquor

Different Conditions for the Import license Registration

Some of the important things required to apply for the license.

You need to have a registered company with CCM (Companies Commission of Malaysia) and legal papers.

How much capital did you need to pay at the start?

Approximately 350, 000, 00 required to deposit if you want to import white or clove cigarette.

The total Time period of license is 1 year and renewal date is 31st December.

6.4 Important Documents Required When Shipping from China to Malaysia


If you are a beginner and you have no experience of shipping then you need to complete your documents to avoid any inconvenience.

If you follow import and export rules and regulations then traders will save from being rejected officially.

First of all, you need to register with the Companies Commission Malaysia (CCM).

After the completion of the signup process, you must apply for the license from the Ministry of International Trade (MIT)

  • Invoice of Shipment
  • Packing list
  • Delivery letter and other related papers
  • Insurance documents
  • Bill of Lading
  • Permission letter
  • All duties and paid taxes invoices
  • Tax receipts for import and sale Import Duties & Taxes in Malaysia

Some of the good are shipped free of cost but the list of things subjected to different types of taxes.

Duty Rates

Duty rates in Malaysia can vary from 0% to 50%.

You know every product is not subjected to pay duty taxes like laptops, computers and other accessories.

Sales Tax

Some of the import products are subjected to pay GST.

The standard rate of GST is 6% but some of the goods are not considered to pay GST.

Additional Taxes

Some of the specific items are subjected to pay some excise charges like drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.

6. Incoterms You Can Use to Ship from China


If you are new in trading and want to ship your products from China, you must be well aware from the word incoterms in the trading business.

Just keep remembering if you don’t know what incoterms are, you will never be succeeded in shipping from China.

Code of three letters works as magical terms.

Do you think Shipping from China is a complex business?

If yes, then follow some essential rules like trade vocabularies, relevant costs, and different threats impact.

Now the main question arises what is the meaning of Incoterms?

International Commercial Terms, terminologies help for the shipping of goods from China.

7.1 Mostly used Incoterms

I think you never listened about the incoterms before, these are short codes help to proceed shipping process.

If you want to ship from China you need to learn these codes.

Without these encryptions, you will not be able to succeed to complete the process of shipping from China.

International Chamber of Commerce introduces trade terms to make the shipping process more conveniently.

Unpaid help to ship your products with defined responsibilities.

You must have known about some terms regarding modes of transport.

  • EXW-Ex Works
  • FCA-Free Carrier
  • CPT- Carriage Paid To
  • CIP-Carriage and Insurance Paid To
  • DAT- Delivered at Terminal
  • DAP-Delivered at Place
  • DDP- Delivered Duty Paid

Now time to explore what exactly these terms try to say:

EXW (Ex Works)

If you want to transfer your products without the charges of shipping, keep reading and get some important stuff concerning the shipping.

Buyer is the one who is responsible for all shipment process.

Seller bears just a little bit burden, all the risk of transferring goods carefully is on the buyer’s end.

Seller is only responsible for the collection and availability of goods.

Buyer has to face some problems like if the seller has no license of shipment then buyer have to pay for customs clearance.

FCA-Free Carrier

Another trade term to transfer products from the loading port to the destination.

Now Seller is answerable for each and every step in the shipment process.

Shipper is also responsible for shipping cost and even anything occurs before arrival to the destination port.

CPT- Carriage Paid to

Now the responsibility of the seller is shifted to the buyer.

The seller is just responsible for managing carriage, no responsibility to protect goods of shipping.

CIP-Carriage and Insurance Paid To

Again all the responsibility transferred from seller to buyer.

Buyers have to deal with all the risks during the shipment process.

DAT- Delivered at Terminal

There’s no matter which mode of transfer used.

Seller’s responsibility is to deliver products after arrival at the destination at the time of unloading.

Seller has to clear all the customs, and pay import duties by himself and complete all the legal and formal documentation with his duty.

DAP-Delivered at Place

Supplier transfer products from manufacturing industry to a specific destination.

DAP means deliver freight at the specific address like the warehouse from the factory.

DDP- Delivered Duty Paid

All the responsibility is on the seller side, things consider to move inspected and confirm to move and even all risks is the responsibility of the seller.

7.2 Sea Freight Incoterms


Different terms are used to ship products by sea freight service like:

  • FAS- Free Alongside Ship
  • FOB- Free on Board
  • CFR-Cost and Freight
  • CIF-Cost Insurance and Freight

FAS- Free Alongside Ship

All the cost and risk factor is the responsibility of the buyer.

Seller deliver products alongside the vessel for loading at the specific port.

FOB- Free on Board

Seller doing his responsibility like delivering products to the loading port but buyer bear the risk and other expenditure.

CFR-Cost and Freight

Seller deliver products by sea freight and responsibly deal with customs clearance process.

Buyer has to collect all legal documents and licensing activities.

CIF-Cost Insurance and Freight

Seller has to pay all the costs as well as safety amount (insurance) for transferring the products protectively.

7. How to Choose Best Courier Service from China to Malaysia

Currier service

Courier shipping is service like post-delivery, this is almost the same as mail service but faster.

Courier service helps to deliver the product with full security and delivery message helps to track the product.

If you have to ship the small quantity of weight from China to Malaysia then Courier shipping is the best choice.

E-packet helps to ship products within a low budget.

E-packet system is quite slower than express shipping services like UPS, DHL, and FedEx.

If you want to ship your products by these 3 companies you don’t need to think about the budget.

Let’s check the competitor’s playground, how they play better

7.1 FedEx Shipping from China to Malaysia


I think some people already know about the FedEx.

FedEx has different platforms in different countries. China has its local office too.

In China, this company starts working in Shanghai in1984.

A big success, 80 branches with quality work and hardworking employees.

You can transfer your products immediately from FedEx, non-Chinese and licensed service.

7.2 DHL Shipping from China to Malaysia


DHL is a globally known Currier company. This provides on click shipping offers in short glimpses.

These days DHL make its name and place in the market.

This website breaks down the record of websites of same niches.

7.3 UPS Shipping from China to Malaysia

UPS Shipping

Universal Parcel system, first-time start working in 1907.

As the saying old is gold, old website but provide best of service.

The company has another office in Shanghai gradually two more offices established in China.

These licensed companies provide the best domestic services.

By using the above services there’s no surety to get discounts until you are going to ship very high volume.

If you want to be comfortable to ship your products from China to Malaysia choose suitable freight forwarder.

8. Tracking your Products from China to Malaysia

Tracking of Cargo

If you want to be comfortable to ship your products from China to Malaysia choose the suitable freight forwarder

Do you want to get updated with your shipping status?

If yes, then save your consignment tracking code.

But now the question arises in mind what is tracking the number of the shipping?

The number assigned to the specific freight package at the time of shipping.

You can check the status of your shipments by China EMS Tracking Service, no doubt this website provides you with real-time data and update you visually with the help of Google maps.

The simple process you have to follow, just enter the tracking number of EMS and get the desired result.

You can also track your cargo by FedEx service just as simple as above, enter your code and get the overall status of your shipment.

9. FAQ’s on Shipping from China to Malaysia


Do you have some confusion about shipping from China to Malaysia?

If Yes!

Don’t worry, I am trying to answer your Frequently Asked Questions:

I hope you’ll find the satisfactory solution to your problems.

Why Should I Import From China?

Check out the global market, China is one of the best markets in the world which provide all the quality products at a reasonable price.

If you want to start your new business and you have the low budget, take the risk with Chinese market hope you never be disappointed.

Should I have Insurance When Shipping from China to Malaysia?

First thing is all the freight is packed and covered properly to avoid damage & loss.

But in case of the problem, you may not compensate the complete cost of your weight.

What is the Difference between EXW and FOB Shipping?

EXW and FOB (Free On Board) both are international incoterms.

In EXW seller is not responsible to load the products in the container in other case seller is completely responsible to load and manage cargo no only on loading time as well as during all the way.

Shipping From China to Malaysia, How Long?

Approximately 3 weeks consumed to ship your product from loading port to destination port.

For example: From the Port of Shanghai, China to Port of Klang, Malaysia total distance is 2886 nm and it takes 12 days to arrive on the endpoint.

If you start your journey from the Port of Shenzhen, China and your destination port are Port of Klang, Malaysia then you only require 8 days to ship your products from China to Malaysia.

How Long does EMS Shipping Take from China to Malaysia?

Estimated duration is calculated according to the transit time calculation.

Estimated 10.7 days required to move your products from China to Malaysia.

Is There any Risk Factor Shipping from China?

Maybe you guys never listen about any factor but this is the truth.

Some of the fiddling cases, stealing and the common thing is damaging your product.

You must take care your shipping agent is mature or skilled.

I just recommend you ship your products by freight forwarders like JMS, reliable and trustworthy.

How can I Track my Cargo from China to Malaysia?

A reliable freight forwarder always helps you to track your shipment.

You must have your HS code, container number or the bill of landing.

You can get information about your shipment from the loading point to the destination point in Malaysia

Which is the Cost-effective Way to Transfer your Products from China?

First, determine what things you need to transfer.

Then analyze how much distance you need to cover and types of goods.

Sea/Ocean freight is the best secure way of shipping from China, especially for heavy materials.

This’s the cheapest way to transfer your products.


The better way of shipping by selecting suitable freight forwarder.

You can import your products with the level of quality service.

Get attached with your freight forwarder to make your shipping process more convenient.

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